I can't believe how quickly time zips by. I remember Grandma Rode
Grandma Rode-lived to be 101 |
Mom-87-will be 88 10/3 |
talking about that, and then my Mother, and always thinking: "Are you kidding me?? It's taking FOREVER for Friday to get here!" And then day by day, minute by minute, time ticks away so quickly I lose track of it continually! Whenever I'm conversing with someone age 50 or older, and we share stories that pertain to "when did this happen--when did that happen", we automatically look at each other and say, "I have no idea, and it was probably a lot longer ago than we're thinking anyway!"
It's been at least a month (2 months, now) since I began this post, so, I may be switching gears as far as topic is concerned. I came up with an interesting "topic" today while meeting with a good friend while sharing tea. Finding Balance in Balance. We both agreed this would be a good title for a book! It seems to be one of my biggest challenges-Finding Balance--in Balance. When one area of my life is in sync, so to speak, or in balance, it takes seconds to realize that something else is OUT of balance. When my house is immaculate, my sewing projects are behind. When I take time to sit down and sketch or paint, my laundry piles up. Just when I believe I'm eating a balanced amount of protein in my daily meals, I read an article about chicken and all the reasons we should NEVER consume it!
As a person who tends to fall into the OCD category from time to time, I find myself being a bit paranoid about my food plan of eating. Just when I believe I'm getting all the nutrition I need, and the correct, healthy kind of nutrition, up pops a very believable article about this food or that food; this pesticide or that pesticide; this contaminant or that contaminant. Where does it all end? Where does one find Balance in Balance?

There is one and only one place to find balance in our lives. First of all, it must come in three forms-Body, Mind, and Spirit. If we balance our body with healthy, organic "clean" nourishing food, we have 1/3 of the balancing act completed. The problem that arises with finding balance in the balance, is formulating the perfect proportions in each area. In my time of planning, preparing, and protecting my "food balance", it's easy for me to overlap that time portion into the time allotted for my Mind and Spirit portion! I have managed to tip the balance a bit more centered by combining a few things. For example, I now do daily "oil-pulling" which takes roughly 20 minutes. This has proven to be a perfect time to sit down for my morning devotions and meditation. Obviously I can't talk, and if I discipline myself to NOT turn on my iPad, I'm good to go! Now…one would think it should be easier to find time to spend in prayer and meditation, right? Well, most of you are familiar with the comment: "coulda/shoulda/woulda", and add that to my ADDWOM (remember that acronym? ADD WithOut Meds), and a person ends up spinning their wheels.
So, as I sit at my laptop, hanging on by it's fingernails to my desktop because of piles and piles of papers, pictures, envelopes, books, etc., I am once again reminded of that infamous word: P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.I.O.N. (Wow! Had to re-read that several times to check the spelling!) I have been working in this area of our house and the laundry room for three days now, and just when I feel that I'm going to hit it hard and dig in; something happens to pull my mind and heart away from accomplishing this overwhelming task. And, really….is it that important? Not at this moment, it isn't. (so….it's been another month, and I actually DID get the laundry room "detoxed"!)
What is important to me right at this moment is taking a bit of time and space here on my blog to pay respect as I honor and remember an amazing man who joined the band of angels in Heaven awhile ago. Jim Erdman was one of the most gentle, kind-hearted, selfless men I've met. I have so much gratitude for his and his lovely wife, Marilyn's, acquaintance. They, together, were the epitome of a faithful, giving, God-loving couple. That awesome duo has been broken for the time being, as Jim will now be playing that roll in spirit until Marilyn meets him in Heaven. Jim was available to lend a hand to any and everyone he met; whether they were Christian/non-believer, drunk/sober, happy/sad, healthy/ill…He always had a warm smile, kind heart and loving hug ready to share. He impacted so many lives, it would be hard for me to encompass all of that on this short blog. (yeah, right…my blogs are short….NEVER!)
Even though, my heart is hurting for the loss of this wonderful man, I am very happy that I will see him again someday and get one of those great "Jim Hugs". I wanted to share a little bit about this great man. We've been away from his hometown of Colusa, CA for three years now, but through the course of that time, in the midst of my own personal battle with cancer, he remembered and shared his loving kindness and support. I got a nice note in the mail from him and Marilyn with this inside:
I wore this every day throughout my treatment, and put it on today to honor and remember this great man. RIP Jim Erdman |
Many of you know of this writing about cancer, and I'll share it here again. It's powerful and oh so true.
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot quench the spirit.
Now…as I tackle my daily mess and many additional piles that have accumulated in the past month, I'm going to think of how precious life is-clean desk/messy desk…it really doesn't matter. And, as we move into another another Season-Fall, I want to invite any prayer warriors to lift up so many hurting, lonely, struggling people; especially three small children-our son, Kyle's, H.S. friend's babies, as they fight to overcome a rare illness. Please pray for the three little ones and their Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and all of their family, as they are in three different hospitals in Glendive and Billings, MT and Denver, CO.
I will be lifting this family and many others up in prayer as I count my blessings: God and Eternal Life, Family, Friends, enough healthy food, a comfortable home (albeit messy!), and feel the love and com
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11