Friday, November 9, 2012


Well, I apologize for this being a few days late. I believe most everyone knew this wonderful, exciting news, however, as I shouted back to the many faithful prayer warriors via the e-prayer chains! God worked His powerful miracle again with my cousin, Dawn! She heard back from her doctors that there is NO CANCER!!! PRAISE GOD! I know and believe HE is a most powerful, amazing God, but, His works continue to amaze me beyond belief each time He gifts us with another miracle. Talk about strength and power….continues to solidify my faith as I grow and strive to walk HIS path, not mine.

We're enjoying a bit of God's miraculous beauty today with the first snow of the season. The snow kissed pine trees are magical and mystical this morning. Lovingly grateful for my daughter's warm and cozy house to snuggle little Jaxon in as we watch from warm side of the window.

Along with thankfulness for my cousin, I've been keeping up with my daily statements of Thanksgiving on Facebook….here they are:

Day 1: I am thankful to be cancer free!
Day 2: I am thankful for my amazing, selfless husband, Jack.
Day 3: I am THANKFUL for our 6 amazing, unique children and 4 beautiful grandchildren. What a perfect blessing they have been to our lives. I love them each more and more every single day.
Day 4: I am thankful for my amazing parents; George (92) and Elaine (86) who have been married for 67.5 years, and raised 5 of us on a farm in ND where we learned valuable lessons of life while attending church every Sunday morning and eating 3 meals each day together at the table. What a blessing to have them.
Day 5: I am thankful for my faith, my Savior, and God’s arms that hold me up through thick and thin.
Day 6: I am thankful for my family: 3 brothers, one sister, and 17 cousins (and their significant others;), and a huge boatload of nieces and nephews and 2nds, 3rds, and greats!
Day 7-I am thankful for the privilege of teaching for 22 years, losing my hearing, (yes…that in retrospect has been a blessing), and learning to teach again-Christian Yoga, this time around!

Day 8- I am thankful for Daisy, my hearing dog. I call her my “GoddoG”, and if you’ve watched her alert me to my phone, doorbell, or timer, you understand why. She’s an amazing little rescue Rat Terrier, and I am very grateful we found each other.

Day 9-I am thankful for my fleece sheets, warm house, warm car full of gas, and seat heaters on this snowy day as I get ready to drive over the river and through the woods to Jaxon’s house to babysit (another blessing I’m thankful for).

Please continue prayers for Steve and Sylvia Hammer, as Steve battles cancer and Sylvia finishes her radiation treatment and healing from her surgery; Becky and family/Mom, Radene, as Becky fights cancer, and Jim and Marilyn Erdman.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



