Thursday, August 16, 2012

My walk this morning

I'm basking in the joy of caring for my little grandson, Jaxon. He is the sweetest little guy, and spends much of his day napping and smiling. As I was walking this morning, I couldn't help but soak in the many blessings I've been granted. God is so good and so amazing, He overwhelms me often with his beautiful creation and many gifts. 

I'm feeling a bit melancholy and seem to be experiencing more "mood swings" than I usually do. I'm not sure it's my age, my hormones all being shut off, or simply "life on life's terms", or….all of the above! Whatever is causing this hormone dance; I am very grateful for the upswings that follow…(at least they have been so far!) About the time I'm wallowing in my pool of self-pity, God reaches out with His hand and pulls me out. He never fails me, thank goodness! 

When I was all snuggled in bed this morning and Daisy woke to go out-
I thanked God for my sweet, brilliant hearing dog.
When my hands and hips were achy and stiff (possible side effect of hormone stopper drug)-
I was thankful for a drug that will possibly save and/or lengthen my life.
When Jack wasn't beside me in bed to snuggle-
I thanked God for his great job-'feast or famine', as it is.
When I drove through rush hour traffic on the freeway-
I thanked God for the privilege of being alive and healthy, and able to drive to care for my grandson.
When I went to Bible Study last evening, lamenting about my aches and pains-
I counted my blessings as I listened to prayer requests for the wife of a 50 yr. old man who died from brain cancer.

I have countless blessings to be thankful for. One is being in this place to experience our granddaughter's 4th birthday tomorrow! Seven years ago today, I would have been preparing my classroom for 30+ 4th graders, and my excitement and enthusiasm would have been on overload! Today, thanks to God opening another window when my teaching career door closed; I will be here with our granddaughter to spend another moment in our "Secret Place". It just doesn't get any better than that!

When I came up to visit Tatum in the past 4 years, I stayed in our camper trailer several times. It's parked across the Nagle ranch in the far corner of their property. The breathtaking view includes an old pine tree stump surrounded by other towering whispering pines and a hillside covered with wildflowers and native grasses. When Tatum was 1 year old, we started visiting the stump and christened the area around it our Secret Place. We made many trips on the path across the field to our Secret Place. Together we gathered dead branches and pine cones and created our very own "house" in our Secret Place. It will always be special to Tatum and Nana-a place for prayer and meditation, watching butterflies and catching lady bugs and simply sitting. 

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall
abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1

Tomorrow our little princess celebrates her 4th birthday! I will be posting a new "4 Year Old" picture soon. Here is a recent picture that I've posted earlier. Tatum will also be getting her very first haircut tomorrow (just a trim), and I look forward to experiencing another blessed milestone. Most certainly there will be pictures of that as well!

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please continue prayers for Steve Hammer-for healing and less chemo side-effects, and praise for Steve and Sylvia's new grandson, born to Sacha!  Please pray for all those who are struggling with cancer, hunger, homelessness, mental illness, developmentally delayed children and/or family members, and/or unhappiness. 


Saturday, August 4, 2012

6 Month Check = CANCER FREE!!

I had my 6 month follow up mammogram and ultra sound and everything is progressing as it should be in the healing department! Praise God! It was another day of relying on my own personal scripture verse: Philippians 4:6-7. Even though I wasn't anticipating any bad news; after experiencing that "road" once, I guess it's easier to have anxiety about it again. As I nearly passed out and broke into tears twice during the procedure; the extremely professional and sweet technician assured me that this happens often times with many women. Amazing what one's mind can do. And, once again, I leaned heavily on the Lord-and He pulled me through it all with His calming peace. God is so good-all the time!

After swinging by the clinic and getting my Shingles vaccination, I walked into the kitchen to find these:

My sweet hubs surprised me with his unspoken encouragement and praise. 

It's been a busy and fun few weeks beginning my "Nana the Nanny" job, and it's easily the most rewarding, exciting, heart-warming job I have ever had! Jaxon's the cutest little guy, with a sweet smile everytime he sees me. 

Honestly…this is what I see every time I go to the crib to pick him up after his nap. I am blessed!

We bought a "Grandkids" kayak, and Tatum gave it a trial run yesterday. She took to it like a duck takes to water, and was an instant natural. We had so much fun, we went back out twice. And, the best thing is: her Mama's hooked, too! I am loving living on Shelley Lake!

We've been having gorgeous weather for the past week or so. This little gal has taken a liking to my bird feeders. She visited the feeder right on our patio before having baby, and now stays a bit further away. 

My friend reminded me that Fall weather is right around the corner. I still have a hard time adjusting to that after living in Northern California for 9 years. In my head, it's going to be wonderful weather for months yet! I imagine I'll "get my head on straight" when the thermometer drops in the evenings!  I know one thing….I'm having a hard time staying off the lake with the bright moon we've had the past few nights! Nothing like moonlit kayaking! 

Well, I guess I'd better sign off for tonight. Need to get extra rest as I'm fighting a cold, and also begin watching Jaxon full time next week! 

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please continue prayers for Jim and Marilyn; (Jim is battling lung cancer), for Steve and Sylvia; (Steve is going through chemo for esophageal and lung cancer), and all others who are struggling, suffering, or fighting the good fight.

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32