Sunday, December 29, 2013

HAPPY FALL-2013! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR = forgot to publish my last entry from October, and writing again! I am again...running late!! (Remember-I won the "Procrastinator of the Year" award, many years in a row.
Even though I haven't posted here since July, I DID get my Christmas cards out-ALL of them--AND in a timely manner!! Last one mailed December 17th, in fact! Now, THAT makes me worthy of some kind of award, I'm sure! Maybe the "Finally Got Her Poop in a Group" award? Hmmmmm....guess not...since I just found an old post I forgot to publish! :P Here it is:

Well, here it is again---nearly 3 months since my last blog entry! I know I am repeating myself (I believe that's acceptable when one is past 60, right?) I am unemployed and impecunious, but manage to stay busier than when I was working 2-3 jobs, raising three kids, and volunteering! How does that happen??

October brings new and different thoughts to my mind and heart than it did 2 years ago. Because October has also been coined "Breast Cancer Awareness" month, it has a much more thoughtful meaning to me. In two months, it will be two years since my breast cancer diagnosis. Although, it remains a bit surreal to me most of the time, I am well aware of the reality when I stop for a few moments to remember. It's kind of like in the twelve step program: I remember the past, but don't dwell on it. Rather than think about that chapter of trials and tribulations in my life, I choose to stay in the positive realm of GRATITUDE. I have so much gratitude, at some moments I feel completely overwhelmed with humility. I've had a few reminders of God's grace extended to me in the past few months; heartbreaking, but deep, meaningful reminders, nonetheless.

One of my good friends/teacher co-worker from Glendive, who lives in Laurel, MT,  experienced the worst possible time any parent can go through. Radene's beautiful daughter, Becky, was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago at age thirty-eight. Becky was the epitome of a loving, doting Mommy, and sweet daughter and wife. Although I did not know Bek (as she was lovingly called), knowing her dear Mother makes it very easy to understand what an amazing person Bek was. Dear Bek lost her strong, courageous battle with this horrible cancer, and I'm convinced is watching her beautiful little girls through the windows of Heaven-whispering to each one of us to always, always tell those you love EXACTLY how you feel. Always. Every. Single. Moment. I want to share this message from a good friend of Bek's who wrote this absolutely beautiful tribute:

I'm hoping you were able to open this blog post. If not, I'll cut and paste it for you. And make sure you have a box or two of kleenex handy-whether you know this precious family or not….I guarantee it will get to you. But, you'll be left with a powerful message engraved on your heart and mind.

Another dear friend of mine; Susan Gorder, recently went through what I'm not so sure wouldn't be even worse than losing a child-and that's losing a grandchild. When I get in my doldrums of "poor me", I simply open my mind to thoughts of this precious lady, and I realize how fortunate I am.  A brief synopsis: Susan and her husband, Tod took me under their wings when I was breaking free on my own as a fledging teacher in the country school, Rau School, where Tod was a school board member. We spent many memorable times together on their ranch nestled on the bank of the Yellowstone River. Campfires, BBQ's, helping with ranch work, good company-that's the kind of memories I have of the Gorder family. I've read the book, Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People, but it doesn't make it any easier to understand the kind of tragedy and heartbreak this family has endured in the past 20 years. Susan lost her Dad suddenly one Summer afternoon, when he slipped while working with irrigation pipes and fell into the river. A few years later, her dear Mother and Grandmother went to Heaven after Susan's Mom courageously lived most of her life with severe diabetes and blindness. A few years back, Susan and Tod had to endure that "most horrible tragedy a parent must experience", when they lost their youngest son, Jeremy, in a tragic vehicle fire. And, now, after all of that, when one would think "enough is enough"…..their adorable, sweet little grandson, Brody, took his final ride on a four-wheeler out back to the corrals to feed his 4-H pigs. I cannot stop myself from crying anytime this sweet boy's face comes to mind. So very sad….

So…as you can see from these stories above, I have no reason to wallow in any type of self-pity, even for a second-but, I have EVERY reason for my cup to be filled to overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness. And…it is. As I get on my knees each morning to humbly thank God for all that I have-I now add an additional prayer for my friends who have lost so much. I pray for God's peace, which passes all understanding.

As I begin to think about bringing this post to a close, I want to share a few things that have been keeping me busier than when I was teaching, raising three kids, (FYI…Jack says HE raised them! ) working in the pet store, volunteering at church, entertaining friends at hayrides and deck fires, and all the craziness I got myself into:

I am now teaching two Faith Stretch Yoga classes at our church here in Spokane Valley. I love doing it!. I completed volunteer training to be a side-walker Free Rein Therapeutic Riding and work my first shift this Friday! I'm excited to touch and smell horses again! This is very near and dear to my heart, as several of the riders have autism. (Anna Marie Barnick, I lovingly think of you every time I'm there!)

Meanwhile back in Spokane (for two more days), From October 15-Christmas with the Gannons:

*Took a roady out to the Nagle ranch in Papa Jack's Model T Ford that his Grandpa bought brand new in 1920! Beautiful 
1920 Model T Ford purchased brand new by Jack's Grandpa

Model T Master
Beautiful scenery 

*Celebrated our July Birthday Babes: Kyle, July 16, Jill, July 14, and Ryan, July 19, with dinner, yard games kayaking and Birthday cake! 

*Celebrated our sweet little Princess, Tatum's, 5th Birthday....not until I did her "Secret Place" Photoshoot, of course!

Each Year at the Secret Place
....and 5 Years Old

*Enjoyed the unique beauty of the desert and began building our dream on top of the world.

Looking out the front door of our home in Apache Junction, AZ

Superstition Mountain-looking East 

Sunset out the front door

Jack's Right Hand Woman

Jack finished first half of garage pad at sundown

*Went with grandkids to Greenbluff for Fall Festival time, babysat a few times, made lefse, drove to Butte to watch Matt as the star in the Cat In The Hat, and went to Tatum's school Grandparents' Day.

Nana and Papa's method of "time-out" hahaha...

mmmmm...mmmmm...good-LEFSE time!

Tatum giving the star of the show-Matthew, aka Cat in the Hat, flowers.

* Delicious Thanksgiving Dinner at the Nagle's and a fun hike afterward

Jax, Jill and Amber

Jack, Sterling, Jaxon, Jill, Nana, Kendall, Ryan, Mike, Declan and Tatum

The Omelete House in Vegas with Jackie-NFR RODEO SECRETARY and Eunice-Good times:
NFR, Old Friends and lots of catching up!
Great to see college roommate, Gayle Hanna!

Celebrated Jesus' Birthday for 7 days with all of our Kids and Grandkids! B.E.S.T. Christmas E.V.E.R!!

Christmas Day Sunset-2013-Spokane, WA

The Gannon Family-2013
Jaxon, Jill, Kyle, Ryan, Kelli, Tatum, Hannah, Matthew, Jen, Jack, Curtis

Grandkids: Matthew (13), Tatum (5), Hannah (16), Jaxon (1)

The photoshoot turned into a snowball fight!!
Kyle and Kelli
The "Skannons" Hannah, Jennifer, Matthew, Curtis
The Nagles: Jaxon, Jill, Ryan, Tatum

Just returned from church and after listening to an amazing story; I must share. Paul, a mentally challenged young man from our church, shared the story from Matthew 2:13-23----from memory. It was one of the most touching, heart-warming messages I've heard. Whether we're experiencing good,(baby Jesus) bad,(Herod) or ugly...

Jesus is the same; yesterday, today, and forever. 
                                                                    Hebrews 13:8

Please pray for: Jim (ICU with pulmonary embolism), Vicky  (fell and broke her femur), Mark (fighting the good fight), 22 month old Davis, (also fighting the good fight), Charley (recently diagnosed with cancer), Dear friends; Susan and family who lost grandson, Brodie in a 4-wheeler accident this Fall, and Radene, who's daughter, Becky, lost her battle with breast cancer earlier this year. Please also pray for all who have lost loved ones, are caring for others, are hurting, lonely, in pain, or cold and hungry. 

PRAYERS of THANKSGIVING: Mom is doing very well as she begins the new year; 1 year after losing her one true love of 70 years-my Dad. My cousin, Loren, who had a clean report after cancer treatment this past year. Getting my "All is Good" report from the radiologist after my 6 month follow-up mammogram=good for a YEAR!! 

Monday, July 15, 2013


Well, fellow bloggers, I am coming off a 10 day roller coaster ride--again. And, as I roll on into the peaceful "balance" again, I am thanking and praising God without ceasing! To make a long story short, (Jack's famous last words!) I went for my follow-up 6 months mammogram, and they didn't like what they saw, and sent me for a needle biopsy. I (only by the Grace of God) had surprising, comforting peace though out the entire waiting period. Well, I should clarify that, MOST of the time, I was at peace and without anxiety--unlike my first go-around. I meditated on 'my' verse again; Philippians 4:6-7, and Jeremiah 29:11 came to my heart often, as well. It wasn't until Jack was driving me to my appointment to meet with the medical oncologist and find out the test results, that I started to lose it. Each mile we drew closer to the clinic, I became a bit more upset and nervous, as I verbalized every "worst case scenario" I could think of! I then opened my iPad to catch up on a bit of my daily readings, starting with Jesus Calling. For those of you who haven't found this simple, little bound treasure; put it on your 'must have' list. I read the first sentence of the July 9 reading and sobbed. This little orange book so amazingly speaks to me at the most perfect times and places, it is overwhelmingly humbling. I'm sharing the entire reading that brought me right back to Him, that fearful afternoon last week. You can read for yourself:

Stop worrying long enough to hear My voice. I speak softly to you, in the depths of your being. Your mind shuttles back and forth, hither and yon, weaving webs of anxious confusion. As My thoughts rise up within you, they become entangled in those sticky webs of worry. Thus, My voice is muffled, and you hear only “white noise.”

Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can think My thoughts. This ability is an awesome benefit of being My child, patterned after My own image. Do not be deafened by the noise of the world or that of your own thinking. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Sit quietly in My Presence, letting My thoughts reprogram your thinking.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
—Romans 12:2

Once again, my worrying and fretting was all in vain and a complete waste of time and energy! (wonder if I'll EVER learn???) The biopsy was benign, and God went one step further with His miracle that day; the suspicious tissue/spots that they biopsied were completely gone! No where to be found! So, here I am again, basking in the joys and thanksgiving of being cancer free and determined and more motivated than ever to continue to take the best care of this temple that God has given me, that I can. Green Smoothies, seaweed, 2+ mile walk/day, yoga, and kayaking….BRING IT ON! Not to mention the organic food, Juice Plus, filtered water, yada, yada, yada. I'm not as completely crazy as Crazy Sexy Kris Carr….but JUST ABOUT! :) Oh…I guess I've already confessed that attribute in earlier posts, so no news to you, right?!

I've done much reading and research in the past 4-5 years, the time span in which I have lost 60 pounds, embraced a much healthier eating plan, and survived breast cancer. In the many books, magazine articles, online gobblygoop read and both Medical and Naturopathic Doctors' whose brains I've picked, I've gleaned two basic words to live by: Prudent and Clean. I must be prudent in my life habits in every aspect; body, mind, and spirit. 
I must feed my body whole, pure, 'clean' foods at all times, (and if not ALL, at least as often as I can) Clean=organic whenever possible and affordable, utilize the "Dirty Dozen and Clean 15" list always.(app on my phone) NO, I repeat, NO refined sugars and flours, and filtered water, (we use the cerra). We drink green smoothies, at least once/day, and I continue to discover new recipes and important combinations of various foods to benefit many different body issues and good health. I'm not a vegan, but, when people see my lunch plate piled as high as possible with 16 ounces of greens and other veggies, and my 24 ounces for Supper/Dinner, they may beg to differ.
It is important that I exercise my body with stretching, weight bearing/strength training and aerobics activity. I do that with regular yoga practice, kayaking, and vigorous walking  at least 2 miles each day. 
The most important thing we can do for our bodies, is to take care of our minds and our spirits. If we don't feed them on a regular basis, everything else in our lives falls apart. I've had a few people, even family members, mock my yoga practice and meditation. You know what I mean; you're probably doing it right now: (folding hands in front of you humming the "oww-'oooohmmm" sound), right?? The best way that I can explain it is, I practice Christ-Centered yoga, and my meditation is ALL about Jesus. Like the old saying goes: 'Don't knock it until you've tried it'. Christ-Centered Yoga (or Holy Yoga), is actually quite addictive, and I find that most people who do try it, can't wait to come back for more. It is enriching, healing, and fulfilling, all through and by the Holy Spirit. My one year old grandson even loves it! Here he is doing a perfect Downward facing dog! 

I guess it's time to get off my soap box and wind down with this post. I've also moved on to another day! Had fun yesterday celebrating Jill's 31st birthday at the water park with Jack and the Nagle family. Today I took Tatum to Bible School, then spent the afternoon playing in the sprinkler and kayaking the lake. Now it's time for me to get some sleep so I can roll out and get her ready for the second day. It's pretty exciting at Redeemer Lutheran Church this week with 919 children attending today- an amazingly huge event! 

Prayer warriors please continue to pray for my Aunty Mona and my cousins as she declines and nears the end of her life here on Earth, for Mark Kartes and Steve Hammer; both battling cancer, Aunt Doris, healing and restoring strength away from her home, and all of my cousins who are supporting and loving her through this trial; and all others who are struggling with physical/mental illness, addiction, relationship problems, employment, and life. 

Bell Street Bridge in Glendive, MT - photographer unknown

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



So….I got to thinking many of you wouldn't believe that I have turtles in every room in my home, and thought I'd show you just how crazy I really am!

We have…. (and no, I do NOT have them all named)----think I'm THAT CRAZY?!?!?


Guest Bathroom Wall

Guest Bedroom

Guest Bathroom counter

Bathroom counter

Kitchen Window Sill

Bathroom window

Kitchen Breakfast bar

Dining Room Window Sill

Laundry Room

Living Room

Main Hallway Window Sill
Now…with all of those turtles scattered around my house, I can't help but be reminded of where my heart and soul should be: 


I wrote the above turtle section a few days ago, and debated whether or not to post it….I've opted to leave it. Most of you already know that I am a bit whacko….so, I decided it really doesn't matter WHAT I post in my blog…you also know that I'm ADDWOM, and that is really a very legitimate excuse for my craziness! ;) (and I KNOW there are many of you out there who share the "gift" of ADDWOM, thus, fully understand this unique behavior of mine)!

I have signed up for several daily devotionals via email, and also read from Jesus Calling and YouVersion on my Bible app. Many of my shares on this blog are either shared directly from these readings, or food for thought in my writing. I find it interesting how often times those various readings are comparable in their message. For example, today's message from Sharon Jaynes asked the question, "What would you do today if you knew you only had a few months to live?" This was followed with a story about a young mom shopping for perennials with her two small children-she was ill and was told she had one month to live. Rather than spending her days fussing and worrying about schedules and cleaning, etc., she chose to spend time making lasting memories with her loved ones. Thankfully, I'm not facing her situation, however, I was reminded that we never know how much or how little time we have on this Earth. 
My Jesus Calling reading for today had a different twist to the message, but basically boils down to this: Spend less time fretting about laundry, cleaning, and materialism, and more time with people we love and Jesus. I loved the first paragraph, "I am the firm foundation on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control-an impossible task and a waste of precious energy." (Jesus Calling-June 19) 
I had a bit of a reminder of the importance of today's readings yesterday. My day began fairly "normal", and at precisely 9:50 a.m., it evolved into one of those 'GL' days. (for those of you new to my blog, Jack coined GL=Gannon Luck; I translate that as=God's Love) Anyway, I was nearing the end of my Faith Stretch Yoga class, when one of the attendee's husband came to the door. She went out and came rushing back in to tell me her son-in-law had been in a head on collision. My instant thought flashed back to December 7, 2002, when I answered the phone call at 9:00 a.m. while walking through my bedroom. That phone call we, as parents, never want to get. That phone call that dropped me to my knees. My instant thought was "THANK YOU, GOD, for sparing Kyle from a head on collision and giving him new life!" As I shared my praise with the Lord, I also begged Him to lead me that moment and to give me the words and clarity of mind to handle the situation at hand. As always, our Amazing God did just that. We circled the woman with prayer before she left, and continued to end our cool down portion of the class with much prayer and meditation. That incident alone, was a strong reminder of just how precious life is. That realization came to a direct "in the face" moment when I learned later in the day that the accident had happened on the highway that Jill and my precious grandchildren had traveled literally seconds before the accident happened. 

My emotional roller coaster ride didn't end there. My dear friend and Christ-Centered yoga classmate from MT had come for a visit, and after having lunch (and green smoothies, of course;) she dropped me off to pick up my car from getting the oil changed. I paid up and went out to start the car, and the key wouldn't turn. Long story short…(right, GG!!) 4 mechanics and about an hour later, (the exact time I was supposed to meet Jill at the dentist to pick up Tatum so she could go back to work) my car remained 'locked up', and Jill was on her way (not happily to say the least) to pick me up. I spent the remainder of the day taxiing kiddies from daycare, home, and then back again to pick up Mommy from work (which was an unknown time due to the Dateline photoshoot) Thank goodness for texting, as we were able to pin point the time and work around baths for the kids, and get there so neither the kids and I or their Mommy had to wait. After driving me home (20 minutes East), and then back to their home (30 minutes West), the little ones were able to finally get to their beds. This all transpired simultaneously with 8 phone calls to the mechanic, and umpteen texts with Jill. It just so happened that the loaner cars were all checked out, and wouldn't be back in until 5:00 p.m. When that didn't happen, and I was told I would be called when it came in, (and THAT didn't happen) I came to the conclusion that I would be walking or experiencing a "first" and get on the transit, if I wanted to go anywhere! Suffice it to say-yesterday was most definitely a "CALGON-TAKE ME AWAY" day! 

GL (God's Love) coming through today-loud and clear! I contacted a locksmith who thinks it's a worn out key. He'll be heading over to work on my key/car in an hour or so!! YAY! I won't have to take the transit!!!! (and, no, it is NOT on my bucket list!!) I'm getting caught up on laundry, and GG'S Journey! It's a cloudy, rainy day today, extreme opposite of my mood. I am so grateful for the many blessings in my life=Healthy, safe family; warm, dry home; a car to drive (most of the time;); healthy, nourishing, organic food to eat; the list goes on and on….and I will attempt to follow my readings to day. I will live my day as though it is my last, and I will glorify and give Jesus a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. I will give up striving to keep everything under control-an impossible task and a waste of precious energy." Remember: YOLO! (for those of you who don't know what this means, stay tuned!)

I hope you will consider doing the same.

"I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live," Psalm 104:33


Whether the weather be good
Or whether the weather be not,
Whatever the weather
We’ll weather the weather
Whether we like it or not.
(thanks, Janel)

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please pray for my Aunt Ramona, as she struggles with lung cancer; my Aunt Doris, healing and restoring strength away from her home, and all of my cousins who are supporting and loving their Mom's through these trials; Steve, as he continues to fight the good fight (25th round of chemo); Cousin Loren-also FTGF, finished his final round of chemo not long ago; My dear yogi friend's son-in-law; many dear friends out there who are struggling in relationships/marriages; and for all those who are hurting, crying, suffering, hungry, cold, wet, and needy.

6/19/13 (Later in the day)

CAR UPDATE: Still waiting on the locksmith….:) He should know in another 45 min. IF he can fix it! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Oh My, Oh My, Oh My!!!

Wow! It's been over 6 months since I last posted on my blog. As many of you know, I've experienced major life/death milestones since I last visited this site. Jack and I flew down to AZ early December to visit my parents (I stayed at the trailer while Jack flew to meetings in Lubbock the week of my birthday.) This enabled me to spend my last birthday with my dear Dad. It wasn't too many days after that day, that Dad started to decline rapidly. I'm not going to go into detail about how my time was spent with Dad; it's too painful, but, I will say, I made treasured memories with him as he sat in a chair outside with Daisy in his lap as I worked in the front cactus garden, read a few articles to him, helped him with his meals and other tasks, and watched him sleep peacefully with his hands wrapped gently around Daisy as she sat in his lap. 

(Dad was never much of a dog lover, but he was kind of sweet on Daisy) Dad passed over to the other side December 13, 2012, as Jack and I were flying home to Spokane. In my mind's eye, I'm certain I saw him floating upward through the clouds out the window of the plane, and his peaceful, smile radiating across his face, warmed my heart. We are all so thankful that Dad didn't suffer. He left this Earthly life exactly the way he wanted to; swiftly and peacefully. 
Love you forever, Dad. 
After spending Christmas in Spokane at home with Kyle and Kelli and the Nagles, we packed up and drove back down to AZ to spend a couple months. *GG spent a couple months-Jack spent about 2 weeks all totaled! Unfortunately, one of us has to bring home the bacon. Fortunately for ME, that breadwinner is Jack. I enjoyed my time there with: Mother, brother- Harlan and Sherry, brother- Owen's wife, Susan, and doing what I love….playing in the desert and rocks! I've been intrigued by labyrinths, since walking my first one at Westminster Woods during a women's retreat several years ago. Now, I have my very own labyrinth-not amongst the beautiful redwoods, but nestled amongst the majestic saguaro's and other beautiful desert trees and cacti. This labyrinth is extra special-in memory of my Dad. 

Superstition Mountain-view from labyrinth entrance
Blooming ocotillo out in front

Evening view from center cross of labyrinth

I began my Christ-Centered Yoga Ministry Leadership training in September, and after my second training retreat/camp in AZ in January, I completed the program in February and became certified in March. I have taught a few classes as "practice" for me, and started my very first "official" class last month at Redeemer Lutheran Church here in Spokane Valley! 

Yoga Logo - Picture taken at Flathead Lake in MT

If you are in the area, or passing through; please stop in and check it out…..if you are like so many others, once you've experienced Christ-Centered Yoga, you will be forever changed. 
Where my yoga journey began-retreat near Tucson, AZ
I made a couple iron-on t-shirts for fun, and posted them on Facebook. Due to so many requests, I ordered a dozen.

We've had several exciting adventures during the past 6 months:
(not in any order of importance)

1. Celebrated Matthew's 12th, Georgia's, and Daughter-in-law, Jen's birthdays in     December!
2. Christmas in Spokane!

3. Celebrated Jack's 63rd Birthday! 
4. Celebrated Granddaughter, Hannah's "sweet 16th" birthday-via email/us mail/phone!
5. Celebrated Easter with 2/3 of the kids and families and Kelli's parents. 

6. Celebrated Curtis' birthday in April! 
7. Drove to Butte, MT to watch grandson, Matthew in Alice in Wonderland Jr. as Catepillar-Awesome dancing/singing solo!!

6. My Mom flew here on her way home to Adrian, ND, for 9 days-then I drove her there via a fun overnight stop in Butte, MT with Curtis, Jen, and the kids. 

L.O.V.E. this family!!

Curtis and Jen took us on an interesting historical tour of Old Butte-and visiting Mom's cousin, Vicky (Sjodhal) Hanni; another great stop-over in Glendive, MT, with Host/Hostess with the mostess: Terry and Cathy Lobdell. After spending a couple days resting up in Adrian, we drove to Worthington, MN, to visit my Aunty Mona (Ramona Bunge-Dad's youngest/only living- sibling). Aunty Mona was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. :( 

She'll be on my Prayer Warriors' list below)

7. Celebrated our youngest family member; Jaxon Hans Nagle's FIRST BIRTHDAY! If you 'mustache' me if the party was a success; the answer is below! :)

 8. Did a 4 yr. old "Secret Place" photo shoot of granddaughter, Tatum Georgia Nagle.

9. Enjoyed/ing watching Tatum play T-Ball. She loves the game, and is starting to smack it!

Uncle Mooley (Kyle) is helping coach

Loves to run-that girl….hmmm... wonder where she gets that??? ;)
That pretty much sums up the past 6 months….time "sure flies when yer' haven' fun!" 

You may or may not know of my turtle "addiction". When I was teaching in Glendive, MT, I had 5 in my classroom/library at one time. (YES, they were alive!) I have always loved turtles…started way back (probably won't divulge how many years) when I was about 6 or so, the little red-eared sliders and painted turtles popped everywhere after a fresh, Summer rain. I loved catching them and studying them-loved toads, too! I built a stockyard in the sandbox and caught over 50 of those chubby little buggers, and had them all penned up when Mom called me in for supper and bed. You can about imagine my disappointment when I came out in the morning and found that "someone" had let them all out of the 'corrals'!!! These last few sentences, my friends, is an excellent example of my ADDWOM! Remember that??? (for those of you who are new to my blog: ADDWOM=A.D.D. Without Meds. My sweet hubby tagged me with that title many years ago…and, I'm not ashamed to admit that he is right - on THAT, anyway! ;)

So….getting back to my love of turtles. They adorn our home in just about every possible way you can imagine. Back when the phrase: FROG (Fully Rely On God) came out, I decided I needed one for TURTLE…thus: Total Unending Reverence To Lord Emmanuel. Ok…call me completely crazy…that doesn't bother me. My kids do it all the time! BUT….check THIS out!!!

I have no idea if this is for real or photoshopped…but pretty cool either way!!

Another bit of fun-even though "throw-back Thursday" is past for this week-check this out:
Georgia Lea-----------Jill Amy------------Tatum Georgia

In the words of my daughter, Jill, "That's CRAZY!" 

Well, Dear Blog Buddies…it's that time again…I must get off this chair before I CAN'T…(not OLD bones, just well used and stiff!!) I'm thinking that maybe 90 is looking old, now.

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please pray for my dear Aunty Mona as she fights the good fight, for my Aunty Doris, who fell a week ago-no breaks, thank you GOD! Please pray for my cousin, Loren, who is coming down the homestretch with his chemo treatments for his cancer that began in his TONSIL! and….for all who are struggling, hurting, hungry, lonely, fighting the good fight. 

People will hurt you, 
God will heal you.
People will humiliate 
you, God will magnify 
you. People will judge
you, God will justify 
you.Have faith.