Thursday, April 24, 2014

Right On Schedule!!

Well…here I am, a week later (well, at least I'm still within the week!) and managing to stick to my commitment. It's been a rainy season here for the past several days. The tiny bits of sunshine we are blessed with come sporadically and for few minutes at time. This weather makes walking my 2 miles a day tough to do--but, I'll take rain any day rather than snow and ice! 

It was a good dreary day to drive my sweetness to the hospital at 6:45 this morning for the routine exam we "mature" adults SO look forward to! NOT! After drinking his "special" gallon beverage and having smoothies for ALL meals yesterday, he came out of the procedure with a big smile on his face! 

No polyps-everything looks great! These are very sweet words to hear, following three previous procedures requiring removal of several polyps. We are once again full of gratitude. And, also, once again we were placed in one of those "small world" situations as one nurse was originally from the Bismarck, ND area. The surgery nurse was one of those amazing "Angel on Earth" kind of person.

She had a cute turban cap covering her head and wore a sparkly cross necklace, and somehow the conversation led to her sharing that she had had breast cancer. As her story unraveled, so did my heart and tears, (of course-thanks Grandma Rode). She had her final chemo treatment one month ago, had a double mastectomy, reconstructive surgery---the whole bit. AND….was diagnosed 2 months after her 30 year old daughter with two small children had been diagnosed with bc! She was one of the most upbeat, personable people I've met, and totally in love with her job of caring for others! It was a humbling time for both Jack and me. I felt as though my journey with cancer was a walk in the park compared to hers. I didn't realize I had actually said the words out loud, until she responded by saying, "I don't think any cancer of any kind or level is a walk in the park." She's right. Doesn't matter to what degree or what type. Just having to say the word: cancer….erases the beauty of the park! Thank God, those feelings don't overtake a persons mind and soul-or at least that was obviously the case with this dear lady. Cancer changes lives-forever-no doubt, but as she and I shared this morning; in our cases, it changed our lives for the better. I think that is often the case. A person's thinking drastically changes from even short spurts of negativism to everyday-sometimes every second gratitude. All the pain, the worry, and the heartache, through treatment dissipates over time…kind of like childbirth. I guess that's a pretty fair analogy, when one thinks of the new birth of a sweet baby after long, painful labor. Cancer survivors are gifted with new birth as well, after enduring the painful-both physical and emotional-time of diagnosis and treatment. With all of that said….I am once again humbled and so very full of gratitude for my life

You know, when I began this blog-actually my daughter, Jill, set it up for me to help me journal about the whole process, to help me through it-little did I know how right she was! Each time I write, I feel good and right with the world. Journaling is such a valuable tool for life. It helps in so many ways….whether we express our thoughts through words, pictures, voice, or other forms of art, it most always proves to be healing, cleansing, and empowering. I hope if you don't already do so, you will consider picking up a pen. It's simple. It's good. So….(pardon the warn out ad) - JUST DO IT!

Wow! Had no idea THAT was all going to transpire! I had actually just finished talking to the "GARDEN GURU", Ike Carpenter, about my seedlings. (As you can see-I'm a bit concerned with "Jack" living in our home and these beanstalks!!!) 

The advice I received was to get them in the ground asap. Spokane natives are adamant about not planting anything until the snow is gone off MT Spokane. 

…..sooooo….as you can see, I am in a quandary. I guess I'll take the second bit of advice, and simply plant them soon and if they make it, great-if not, replant. (hmmmm…wonder if Armtech insurance will cover??) 

Meanwhile, rather than watch my beanstalks grow to the giant's house, I'll get back to the retreat prep work. Here are the fruits of my labor thus far:

There are still a few spots open, so you're not too late to sign up! AND…the "early birds" get green smoothies!

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please pray for all of those struggling with cancer and other debilitating illnesses, young couples wishing to start a family, parents, so many first responders, police officers, firemen/women, and others who put themselves in harms way to help others, for all the military people; especially our Veterans, for all who are suffering heartache from loss of loved ones, devastating diagnosis, or hard times financially. 

Dad's birthday is in 4 days. Even though he died 16 months ago; I miss him every day. Even though I didn't see him often when he was here on Earth; I miss him every day. Even though we didn't talk often on the phone because we both were hard of hearing; I miss him every day. Even though he lived a long, full life for 92 days; I miss him every day. It doesn't matter the age, it doesn't matter how tragic a person's death is, it doesn't matter that one may have had time together at the end; we miss our loved ones every day. I've known since I was a young girl-the value of those we love-I think I was 8 years old when my Grandma Anna died. With each passing day, however, the meaning of treasuring those we love seems to grow stronger and more powerful. It is vital to our spiritual/mental well-being to tell those we care for how much we love them. Often. Always. Every Day. Phone calls are free for most now, with cellphones. And even if they're not, a $2.00 call can be worth more than $1,000,000 to the person on the receiving end. 

It's April, the month of Dad's birthday-the 28th, (also my big brother, Harlan's-yesterday) and every year around this time, Dad would bring Mom the first bouquet of crocuses. They are one of my favorite flowers to this day because of that simple, sweet, loving, gesture from my Dad. (He brought smaller bouquets for my sis and me, too) Last Fall I re-connected with an old 4th grade student, Megan Smelser  Pennington. Megan (a brand new mommy, I might add!) has small business:  Megan's Red Barn Gifts and Backyard Photography. I ordered a calendar from her, and this is the picture that appeared on the month of April. 

I had no idea what was in the calendar-actually thought it was old barns (which I love).
What an amazing bitter/sweet surprise this was! My brother, Harlan, read Paul Harvey's poem "And God Made A Farmer" at my Dad's service. 
Amazing little "God-Wink" here, for sure! 
Megan is an outstanding, gifted young woman-I am so proud of her and all she has accomplished. If you're in the Keene, ND area, make sure you look her up and check out all she has to offer!

Guess it's time to close-until next week. Happy Birthday, Daddy. Miss you.

"Love Each Other As I Have Loved You."  John 15:12

Monday, April 14, 2014


WOW! I'm actually sticking to my word! Although I'm three MANY days past due, I am making this happen weekly-come hell or high water! Haven't seen signs of either one-thankfully- in fact, life is so peaceful and exciting right now; if I were a "worry wart", I'd be waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Since returning home two three weeks and three days ago, the weather here in Spokane Valley, WA has been absolutely perfect! Each day brings high 50 degree temperature, sunshine with a few amazing cloud formations, geese and ducks mating on the pond, green grass beginning to blanket the yard, and buds popping out everywhere! My tulip tree (which takes my breath away every time I see it in full bloom) is getting ready to dazzle me again.

I've been spending time with Tatum and Jaxon, as Ryan (and Kyle and Jack) went to Billings, MT this week (again…old news) for adjuster training. My heart melts into a puddle full of love every time I pick up Jaxon at daycare or come to visit at their house, when he runs to me full speed with arms outstretched and calling with big, blue bright eyes; Nana, Nana, Nana!!! I pray that will be a heart memory that will stay with me until I cross over to the other side. For now; it is one of so many of my little "bits of Heaven on Earth".

Here's another….

This little bookworm and I went for a walk….I did the walking…she spent most of the time reading her new chapter book. So proud of my little reader!

And another…

I adore this family! They are absolutely the light of my life, and I can't believe how blessed I am. 

As I journey through this life, many of you know I've struggled with a few bumps in the road. When my hearing got so poor that I had to retire early from teaching, I was a lost soul for several months. I was depressed, sad, missed teaching tremendously, and felt unworthy not being employed. After going through many hills and valleys for nearly a year, (with my main supporter giving me much positive encouragement along the way) I have now arrived at a peaceful place. God brought me to Christ-Centered Yoga 3 years ago, and since I have become certified as an instructor; He continues to lead me down an unbelievable path. I'm teaching two classes each week, and am in the end planning/prep stages of putting on a Yoga retreat on Saturday morning, April 26th. My interest in doing this was sparked after attending an amazing retreat in AZ this past Winter. That small flicker has fanned into a glowing flame these past weeks as I've been sewing bags, painting mini-chalkboards, making journals, and writing schedules. 

All of the things I so loved about teaching are happening again. God is so good! He gave me the spiritual gift of teaching, and I am so fortunate to be able to go forward, with attempted humility, and give service to others in the way that I believe He has planned for me. This scripture has come to my mind and heart so often in the past few years: 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 

Such amazing truth!

If any of you are able and/or so desire, please come join us April 26! Here's the information:

I was a bit late getting my seeds planted, but, I was pleasantly surprised to see these little guys popping out this morning! 

The rule here is: "NO PLANTING until THE SNOW IS GONE off MT SPOKANE". Looks like I have plenty of time for these babies to be ready! 

Time to continue sewing…so far, so good…but have many to go!

Praying you are all enjoying SPRING and the unbelievable blessings that come with this favorite season of mine! For some of you back in the area I grew up, it's been an extra long Winter this year. For that reason, Spring must be an even bigger "breath of fresh air" for those of you living in ND, SD and MT. Enjoy the breath!

(I'm "borrowing" this):

You Say                                    God Says                               Bible Verses
I can't figure it out.                        I will direct your steps.                  Proverbs 3:5-6
I am too tired.                                I will give you rest.                       Matthew 11:28-30
It's impossible.                                All things are possible.                  Luke 18:27
Nobody loves me.                           I love you.                                    John 3:16
I can't forgive myself.                     I forgive you.                                Romans 8:1
It's not worth it.                             It will be worth it.                         Romans 8:28
I'm not smart enough.                     I will give you wisdom.                  I Corinthians 1:30
I'm not able.                                  I am able.                                     II Corinthians 9:8
I can't go on.                                 My grace is sufficient.                    II Corinthians 12:9
I can't do it.                                  You can do all things.                     Philippians 4:13
I can't manage.                              I will supply all your needs.            Philippians 4:19
I'm afraid.                                     I have not given you fear.               II Timothy 1:7
I feel all alone.                             I will never leave you.                    Hebrews 13:5

Prayer Warriors:
Please pray for the families, friends, and all service/medical people involved in the horrific bus accident this past weekend, (10 minutes North of my sister's home); so many friends, family, neighbors who are dealing with battles of all kinds-cancer, divorce, death, pain, patience in adoption, homelessness, financial problems, job frustrations, family issues, hunger, and so many other afflictions. As we walk through this Easter week, may we experience the deep meaning of the journey to the cross, and all that it is to us, as we await the celebration Easter morning-when we can shout to the treetops: