Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day


From an email:

“A friend whose sons are serving in our military sent this reminder to me last night: "It is the veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.  It is the veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.  It is the veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.  It is the veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.  It is the veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.  It is the veteran, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote."

Thank you for your sacrifice and service!!


Thursday, May 24, 2012


It's a bit past Spring, but not yet Summer; therefore, I'm not too late! I managed to get a few more things unpacked today…winding down to nearly 0 boxes! I would have completely finished if I wouldn't have had the constant interruption of swatting flies! The contractor who painted and fixed broken things from the previous tenant, must have left the door open or made thousands of trips back and forth. I have a million nasty flies buzzing at every window! Ok…maybe not a million, but I truly believe I killed at least 100! Such a sweet task, especially after Jack and I just washed all the windows a week ago.:( Oh well….certainly won't get bored while hubby's away. He had a team building retreat in Tennessee this week. Stopped in his favorite place on the way home, (Sin City), and is enjoying visiting old friends and going to see the Four Seasons show. They flew into Nashville for the retreat, so he was able to take in the Grand Ole Opry! That's on MY bucket list….and, since they have scheduled next year's meeting for the same location, I may get to fly down and check that one off! 

I missed kissing on my new little grandson, Jaxon, today, but we did have his newborn photo shoot Tuesday, so you can see here how quickly the little guy is growing. He now weighs 10 lb. 4 oz. I'd say he's doing just great! 1 pound in 2 weeks! 

Big sis, Tatum, gave Jaxon her Teddy.

10 lbs 

Of course public defender mama wanted a "mugshot"

Cutest mugshot ever!

Reading at a very early age!
And now it is time for me to get some sleep. Tomorrow: finish cleaning, 2 mile walk, and then to the Nagle ranch to help with some landscaping projects and lots of snuggling on those grandbabes. Kyle and Kelli will be arriving in the evening, so should be a fun family time!

Sweet dreams, all….and remember:


Saturday, May 19, 2012


I think this GG's Journey blog has transformed from daily posts to weekly at best. You know the old saying, "no news is good news"! And my life over-floweth with good news lately! Let's take a look at my list of counted blessings:

1. Radiation DONE
2. cancer FREE!
3. Recently returned from a heavenly trip to Cannon Beach
4. Moved from one heavenly place in the country to a new heavenly home 5 minutes from town.
5. Live 30 seconds from pristine lake's edge.
6. mountain, rocks, pine trees literally out my back door.
7. 7 different species of birds feeding from my feeders.
8. A brand new healthy grandson to snuggle and kiss on.
9. Married to thee most amazing man ever, who spoils me rotten and treats me like a queen.
10. Three of the most awesome, unique, loving kids and kids-in-law anyone could ever have!
11. Three additional beautiful, creative, healthy, intelligent, loving grandchildren.
12. A fantastic little hearing dog to alert me to my phone, doorbell, and timer.
13. Hearing that has stabilized and seems to NOT be disappearing completely as doctors predicted.
14. 3 loving and caring church families who continue to pray for us whenever we ask.

WOW! Writing my blessings down certainly brings to the forefront how fortunate I am. This list reminds me how grateful I am and urges me to reach out to others. I truly believe that this list of blessings wouldn't be here without Jesus in my life. It's because of Him, that I have this list. Walking the journey I've walked this past several months brings that fact home to me loud and clear. I am so lost without Him. Every so often I think back to various events in my life that took place prior to my finding out that I had breast cancer, and I am simply amazed at the suddenness and shock of it all. There is no way that I could have made it through all of the waiting, the wondering, the worrying, the pain, the trusting doctors, the appointments, the apprehension, the fear, and the anger-without leaning heavily and minute by minute on the Lord. He held me up through it all. He brought me through it in shining colors! He is an amazing God, and I am feeling more thankful today than I ever have in my entire life.

When my dear, sweet, grandmother, "Grandma Rode" died at the age of 101, several years ago; we all sang this beautiful old hymn at her graveside. If I listen very carefully, I can still hear those beautiful words resonate up from the Adrian valley-so beautiful, so rich, so true…

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. 
I once was lost, but now am found…was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear…the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares…we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far…and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be….as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil, a life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years….bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise…than when we've first begun.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me…
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now, I see."


PRAYER WARRIORS: Please continue praying for: Greg, Betsey, Sandra, Kelli, Jo and Jon, Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Jim and Marilyn, all others who are hurting, lonely, ill, in pain, homeless, and/or fighting the good fight.

Last of the countdown!
Day 1:

41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need.

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

P.S…..not to brag, but if you enjoy reading funny, enlightening blogs, visit my kids': and

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

OCEAN FIX….aaahhhhhhhhhh…...

My amazing hubs outdid himself once again. After 36 years of wonderful and unique surprises to check off my bucket list, I have lost count. Jack planned a most spectacular trip to Cannon Beach (I know…if you blink, it looks like our own personal beach!) on the OR coast, to celebrate completion of my radiation therapy. It is everything Jill, her co-workers, and others have said and more! We have this most spectacular, panoramic view right out our back door, and the sand rivals that of the Maui beach. After spending the better part of the day driving along the coast, checking out a few shops, and sitting on the beach soaking up vitamin D, we had a delicious seafood dinner and watched the sunset together. We are blessed-and filled with gratitude.

Handsome Hubby-resting that new knee

Another shot of God's beautiful creation

Ecola Park

Good Night!

AND….for the lost and forgotten countdown:Day 2-

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd
grab ours back.

Since I'm spending time at the ocean in celebration of the end of my radiation and being cancer free-it seems appropriate to post the scripture verse that held me up through my 50 + day journey.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Another Day Filled with Blessings

Beautiful day today spent with our daughter and her sweet family. We ate delicious crab legs and T-bone steaks for dinner/lunch, and then had fun snuggling Jaxon and playing with Tatum. A few more pictures to show you what took placen today and a few sweet spots out our back door:

My walk path around the lake.

Future lunch spot

So much beauty...

….even these little pests…aren't they cute?!

Papa teaching T-bug how to put the worm on her hook

More wildlife-these two doves are nesting in a neighboring tree

Little Jaxon hugging his Mommy

…and Tatum Georgia having the time of her life on her new bike
that her "brother got her for a gift" the day he was born.


Sending God's beauty to all of you dear Mother's in blogger land! 
May God bless you with a day filled with love and laughter. Take time to smell the roses and enjoy each precious moment. 

I will be spending several hours kissing on this sweet little guy and his big sister and thanking God.

Can you guess which group of pictures I think are the most gorgeous??!? And, no….there is no prize for the winner!!;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

He's HERE!

Welcome Jaxon Hans Nagle, our newest grandchild! 

 Papa's going to have to get a bigger hat!


Nana got lots of snuggles in this afternoon….sweetness. 
Our brand new grandson-one hour old. 

Tatum meets Jaxon-precious moments as could barely
smother him with kisses-her smile was so big!
Sweet, little (or not so little) Jaxon decided to finally make his appearance at 1:30 p.m. today, 5/10/12. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 4 oz. and was 22 inches long. He is absolutely precious-a blessed miracle- and we are all deeply, madly in LOVE! He is a very special little boy-named for his two Grandfathers. We know Papa Hans was looking down with as much pride as Papa Jack had here today. Beautiful little family-we are richly blessed. To quote Tatum on the way to meet her big brother today, "Thank you God for giving me a little baby brother." My sentiments, exactly. Sleep well everyone, and sweet dreams. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


It's 75 degrees and absolutely gorgeous today! I spent a little over an hour in my new "Secret place", ie. prayer/meditation/catch my breath/get away from everyone-place. 

Kyle helped me hang my chair swing from one of the pine trees behind our home, and it is heavenly. I have bird feeders between the chair and the house, so I'm able to watch the robins, and a few finches have sampled the finch bag! 

Tatum has been spending time with us, and went home with Mommy and Daddy today after we girls had pedi's. I just finished vacuuming my car and need to get back out there and finish the dastardly job!:( Jack went to hit a few balls, and is bringing our kayaks back to do a test run on the lake! Can't wait!

As for baby pool? Haven't had any takers-so…guess we'll all be surprised together, and I'll give the prize to the new mama! You can rest assured the little slow-poke's arrival will be announced here very soon after he/she 'hits the ground', as old cowboy, Papa Jack, says. 

Meanwhile, please keep the prayers going for: Jill and baby, Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Jim and Marilyn, Kelli, Betsey, Sandra, Jo and Jon, Greg, and all who are hurting, lonely, hungry, ill, homeless, and/or fighting for their lives.
9 Day Countdown:
Day 3-

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or
didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
My dear brother, Harlan, and Barb's children, grandchildren, family and friends said farewell to Barb at her memorial service yesterday. My brother wrote and read a beautiful, powerful eulogy that I want to share with all of you. Remember that rule of mine? Take what you want and delete the rest…it doesn't apply to this. Take it ALL. If nothing else-at least take the first paragraph. 
Dear Friends in Christ. We are assembled here today to reflect on our life and times that we had with Barbara. Almost all of you here today have known Barb longer than I have. You see, Barb and I touched hands and our hearts on Feb. 14, 2009. Together we had three years, one month, and five days until death did us part. In the eyes of some it was short and probably too short when compared to my parents, George and Elaine, who celebrated their 67 years together on February 10 of this year. We never know, do we. You see, we don’t have any guarantees in life and we certainly don’t have any entitlements. All that we have is what is here and now, today. Like the lyrics to “Slow Dance”, We better slow down-Don’t dance so fast, Time is short-the music won’t last, Life is not a race. Do take it slower. Hear the music. Before the song is over. We need to make the very most out of every day. We can’t reflect on how empty our cup is, but how much Barb, Mom, Grandma filled our cup of life. Her sould is now with God, her body we’ll return to mother Earth tomorrow, but like the song during the slide show, sung by Celine Dion, so eloquently states: Her Heart sill go on and on and on  in each and every one of us that she touched.
If I were to describe Barbara, it would be with four words...
Trust, Pride, Happiness, and Faith.
Barb learned early on in her life the importance of family. Her father passed away when she was a little girl and she watched and learned from her mother as she raised her family alone. Barb learned the importance of Trust, knowing that Mom would be there fo ryou at all times. Trusting that your close friends and family members, especially her life-long friend, Carol her sister, Karen, and brother, Woody, would be a support base and confidantes. Barb was always very close to her sister, Karen, and the bond of trust and support they had would rival that of any two sisters.
Every parent likes to be proud of their children, but Barbara had a special pride for her kids; Brian, Jeffrey, and Julie. She would often speak of how proud she was of their achievements and their successes in their careers. She knew she couldn’t afford the costs of college for her children, but she always hoped that the life she modeled for them would give them the inspiration and motivation to become successful and happy in their life choices, that they would follow her lead. Those of you that knew Barb, knew she had a self confidence that gave her the commitment and dedication to climb through the rank and files of many different types of employment. You knew Barb could be the poster child for the saying; “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” She would more often than not, have two or three jobs to support herself and give her the resources she needed for her modest lifestyle. Barbara was a proud woman and when she would see the successes of her children, it would make her heart smile, because deep down within her, she truly hoped she would serve as an inspiration to her children and grandchildren. She often spoke of her granddaughter, Amanda, and how proud she was of Amanda for taking on her role of motherhood and obtaining the job she needed to support herself and baby Ava. Your Mom/Grandmother maybe didn’t take the time to always tell you kids how proud she was of you, but she spoke of it often with me.
There was nothing that brought more happiness to Barbara than her Grandchildren and Great-grandchild. Amanda, Zachary, Austin, Elsie, Cooper, and little Ava; your Grandmother lived for the moments she could spend with you....cuddling and kissing as babies, then reading and playing with you diring your pre-school years, watching you grow and become more independent, each of you excelling in your own skills through your years of development Amanda, your Grandmother always had a warm smile of approval and support as she watched you emerge into a young woman taking on the responsibilities of your life. Zachary, your academic achievements, your successes at the science fairs and your technology accomplishments truly made your Grandma happy. Austin, your Grandma really appreciated your musical talents and your athletic skills. I don’t need to tell you how happy she was to attend your concerts and track meets. You see, she could see a part of her in you. Not so much in your musical sklls, (Grandma struggled with music) but knowing very well that you didn’t get to your level of performance without a lot of hard work. Knowing you made that commitment made her happy. Elsie, You were the twinkle in your Grandma’s eyes. You were her little princess that she loved to dress up in butterfly wings, tierra’s, magic wands and tutu’s. You were her little cooking buddy to help her make cookies. You truly warmed her heart as you listened so attentively to her read you stories while sitting on her lap. Little Cooper; you were the little man in your Grandma’s life. She would often marvel at your successes as you transitioned from that smiling bubbly little baby to the toddler you now are. Grandma knew where those beautiful blue eyes came from and those eyes along with the special little grin often meant something mischievous was about to happen....You truly filled your Grandma’s heart with joy as she watched you, as she held you, and as she kissed you. Baby Ava, you were Grandma’s first Great Grandchild. Grandma didn’t have a lot of time to spend with you, but she always looked at you as the twinkle of her daughter, Beth’s eye.
Barbara had a very strong faith. She knew her Bible well, and she was very diligent in her daily devotionals. She was an excellent reader and looked forward to reading aloud to me the verse and prayers from her devotional each night before lights out. Throughout Barbara’s life, she experienced the loss of a close loved one on four different occasions. With each loss; her Father, her daughter, Beth, her brother, Dale, and her Mother, Barbara’s faith strengthened and she became closer to God. She often told me that God may not give her everything she wants, but He will provide for her what she needs. Barbara believed that death is not so much a loss of life, but a part of life. She knew that the only path to the other side is to walk through the valley of death. She knew and believed that with each passing of her loved ones, they were going into God’s arms. She talked often of her belief in Angels and that the many good things in her life were the result of her guardian angels guiding and moving those pieces. In the short three years that I knew Barbara, God gave us the opportunity to enjoy each other for a lifetime. I know she’s looking down on us today and she’ll be one of those angels that will be looking out for us until we will meet again on the other side. Go in Peace, my love....go with God.

RIP, dear Barb….we will miss you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

3 Possible Winners-3 Hours Left!

Well, if things don't start happing in the next 3 hours in the baby delivery department; we may have to start over with a brand new "Nagle Nugget #2 Pool"! I guess we should be used to that "waiting game", right? One thing about it….babies come out when they're darn good and ready!

Maybe Jill should run in Bloomsday! I don't know if that would do it, since she works out and walks at least 2 miles every single day already. She ran that far and more up until a month or so ago! I told her she needs to find a chicken farm. My Mom, Grandma Rode, and I butchered 25 chickens the day I went into labor with Kyle. Chasing those quick little buggers around the coop with a leg hook to catch them certainly got things moving! Jill quickly informed me that gathering 3 fresh eggs from their sweet three pullets is as far as she's going with the chicken farming! Guess we'll just have to wait.

And, since I am the designated "Tatum Sitter", I'd best get myself to bed now in case I get a phone call in the middle of the night!

Before I turn in, here's my 9 day countdown-
Day 4:

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will
this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive but don't forget. 

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

Prayer Warriors: Please continue prayers for Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Jim and Marilyn, Betsey, Sandra, Jo and Jon, Greg, and Kelli. 
" I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers them. Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe!"           
                                                                                 Psalm 116:1-2  TLB


After midnight tonight-BRAND NEW BABY GUESS! Go ahead and send them on….of course if the little peanut arrives before midnight, we'll have a three way tie-since Jennifer and Amanda didn't put down a time, and all BRAND NEW BABY guesses will end up in cyberland.:) Thanks for the fun! I'm going with Sunday (tomorrow) May 6, 9#, 22 inches long, 11:00 a.m. (Since Jill has run in the Bloomsday 3 times, I think it only makes sense for her babe to be born on that day! With 50,000 people (runners!) in downtown Spokane, I hope her midwife, Cathy can make it in time!)

14. Boy. 8 pounds 5 oz.  21 3/4 inches. 5/5/12
Jennifer Gannon
16. Ok I'm in for  9.6!!!! 21in
40 weeks and 2 days
Amanda Soderman

32. Ike Carpenter-Ok, I'm guessing that since we haven't heard about a new baby yet, one must still be on the way? So, my guess is 5/512 at 4:30 AM. Send prize to my home personal delivery!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I fully intended to get this posted this morning, however, I've forgotten what it's like to have a 3 year old in the house! Miss Tatum spent the night with me last night! She told her daddy that she was going to Nana's for a "girls night"-Nana, Tatum and Daisy! Oh my goodness-we had so much fun! What a wiggle-worm! It took her about an hour to get settled down in bed, and then I spent the remainder of the night picking little feet, hands, arms, legs, and long curly hair out of my face. She bounced right out this morning at the crack of 6:30 ready for cereal. By the time we finished breakfast, got showered, dressed and hair done, it was time to head in to "school" (daycare).
I thought if I kept Tatum, maybe it would help Jill relax and go into labor, since she's a bit concerned that I won't hear the phone when she calls. I'm on call for "pick up Tatum" duty. 
Some of you may not know, but Tatum was born at home with a mid-wife, and little Nagle Nugget #2 will come into the world in similar fashion (albeit much shorter labor-we're all hoping. Tatum took 24 hours-and weighed 8#2oz.) Just thought I'd throw that stat in now that you've all made your guess already! BTW, as you'll note below, there are only three people left in the pool, and two didn't put a time. Looks like it will either be a three way tie, a possible win for Ike, OR…start a new pool!

The National Day of Prayer observance has been held since 1952. It was created by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. In 1988, President Reagan designated the "holiday" as an annual observance to be held on the first Thursday of May --as it had been previously.
Each president since Truman has proclaimed at least on national day of prayer, and a total of 61 have been issued since 1952.  

“The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the 
culture.” One vision listed:

*Preserve America’s Christian heritage and defend the religious freedoms granted by the Constitution.                                                  
                                                                                           (Global Post)

" These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads." 
                                                                                  Deuteronomy 6:6-8

" Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."
                                                                                        Proverbs 14:34

9 Day Countdown-
Day 5

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't
save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

BABY GUESSES-LARGE print are those still in the running…we're down to THREE!!! If our little grandchild doesn't arrive by midnight Sat., 5/5; this entire process will start over again! I believe the little darlin' is simply too comfy inside mommy. We worked out together today, and I was sweatin' and whining, wanting to quit-but, as I looked over at Jill and she gave me the "look" as she pointed to her not so tiny belly, I sucked it up and kept going!  

1. A healthy and robust boy, little less than 7 pounds, 18 in. long on Sunday the 29th of April.  

 Betty Deach-Jo’s mom


2. My guess 

baby girl  8lb 4oz and 21 in 
Keep me posted.

3. my guess without seeing her is  8#9oz. boy , 5/1. 
Sent after pic was sent: adorable picture, what fun another grand baby to spoil, now I don't remember what I said???  Jill looks like she is carrying the baby right out front, how big was Tataum ? oh I will just stick with the 5/1 and 8#9 1/2 lbs ok. and it could be a boy?

4/29/12  8# 7oz  22”

Donna Schwartz
5. I think it's twins and if she had an ultrasound one is hiding...  I say 10lbs 2 oz. May 1st!  xoxo to all!

Glad you're doing well my friend. 
6. I will go with May 1st, 5:07 am, 9# 4oz 21 inches.  I sure wish I had looked that good at 39 weeks!
Pamela K.
7. Baby boy Nagle will arrive on Sunday, April 29th (May 1st would be cool.. it's Ethan's birthday, and Josh's too)... all good things happen on Sunday's, right?   8 lbs. 12 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long and will arrive at 11:49 am.  I am so excited for them!!  I LOVE having kids... the more the better!  ahhahahahah... well, maybe the 3 the better... hahahahah
Mariah McKenney
Oh, My Gosh!!!!
My guess is Twins. Sorry.
Leila Peterson
9. Wow, she looks great!  Congrats to all of you...and good luck! Michelle Huntsman
10. I bet it's a girl.  My mom use to say if you carried your baby in the front then it would be a girl.  If you carried it in the back - a boy!  How's that for an old wives tale?8 lbs. 6 oz. 22 inches long on Friday, April 27th!
Diana Locey (Colusa Pres. Secretary)
11. I say boy!  She looks fantastic, all belly!!
Diedre, Starr’s sister
12. Girl, 8.5 lbs., 21.5” long, Sunday, 4/29 at 4:20 pm
13. I think it is a boy, (it looks very low) and big too, 8.13 oz.  Tatum looks so happy holding the 39 weeks.   I hope all goes well with her delivery and your recovery. Prayers and hugs to you all.
Heidi Hefner Tripp
14. Boy. 8 pounds 5 oz.  21 3/4 inches. 5/5/12
Jennifer Gannon
15. My guess is a girl, because thats what T wants, Wed. May 2nd. I'm rarely wrong however I encourage the rest of you to try:) 
16. Ok I'm in for  9.6!!!! 21in
40 weeks and 2 days
Amanda Soderman
17. That’s about the size I was when Josh was born, and he weighed in at 9 lb. 14 oz. and was 21” long.
Diane Fisher
18. My guess on Jilly is boy arriving May 1st at 11:20am, I dont really know enough about this stuff to guess a weight and length. Love Kelli
19. My guess for the new arrival is 4/29/12 @4:00 PM it will be a 8# 5 oz. boy.  Have a great party and celebrate for us Dakotans too!  Love, Kerry Christman
20. don't know what makes me think May 1st would be a great day for that sweet baby to arrive.  Going to guess boy also, except a girl would be great too.  how about 8#12 oz. Jo Anne (my BBF)
21. My Guess: 2 a.m., 4/30/12, big girl….9 pounds, 21 1/2"   Kate Parker

22. Jill looks a lot like you did at about that age.Guess I'll take a wild guess... Baby boy, 9#2oz.  May 1, shortly aftermidnight. 21 inches long.Have a good time at your party.   Eunice

23. I'm going with BOY! 8 lbs 5oz 22in born on 4/30/12 at 9:05am.
Love, Kelli Randolph

24. May 2, 8:52 A.M. 8#7oz. Boy, 21 in. Papa Jack

25. Baby Boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. Nana GG

26. Baby Boy, 8 1/2#, 21 7/8 " long. Cathy L.

27. I'm so happy for all of you!! My guess is 8 lbs. 6 oz., a boy, 19 in. on May 1. Love and all God's blerssings, Linda V.

28. I think Jill & Ryan will have a boy born May 1st at 6:20 A.M. Barb G.
29. Baby Boy, April 29, 8:45, 9 lbs. 3 oz. 22.5 inches-Pastor Helen
30. Girl, Monday 4/30, 3 a.m.  7#6oz., 22 inches long-Shirley
31. Boy - Colleen; Nana GG's college suitemate
32. Ike Carpenter-Ok, I'm guessing that since we haven't heard about a new baby yet, one must still be on the way? So, my guess is 5/512 at 4:30 AM. Send prize to my home personal delivery!