Thursday, May 10, 2012

He's HERE!

Welcome Jaxon Hans Nagle, our newest grandchild! 

 Papa's going to have to get a bigger hat!


Nana got lots of snuggles in this afternoon….sweetness. 
Our brand new grandson-one hour old. 

Tatum meets Jaxon-precious moments as could barely
smother him with kisses-her smile was so big!
Sweet, little (or not so little) Jaxon decided to finally make his appearance at 1:30 p.m. today, 5/10/12. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 4 oz. and was 22 inches long. He is absolutely precious-a blessed miracle- and we are all deeply, madly in LOVE! He is a very special little boy-named for his two Grandfathers. We know Papa Hans was looking down with as much pride as Papa Jack had here today. Beautiful little family-we are richly blessed. To quote Tatum on the way to meet her big brother today, "Thank you God for giving me a little baby brother." My sentiments, exactly. Sleep well everyone, and sweet dreams. 

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