Thursday, May 3, 2012


I fully intended to get this posted this morning, however, I've forgotten what it's like to have a 3 year old in the house! Miss Tatum spent the night with me last night! She told her daddy that she was going to Nana's for a "girls night"-Nana, Tatum and Daisy! Oh my goodness-we had so much fun! What a wiggle-worm! It took her about an hour to get settled down in bed, and then I spent the remainder of the night picking little feet, hands, arms, legs, and long curly hair out of my face. She bounced right out this morning at the crack of 6:30 ready for cereal. By the time we finished breakfast, got showered, dressed and hair done, it was time to head in to "school" (daycare).
I thought if I kept Tatum, maybe it would help Jill relax and go into labor, since she's a bit concerned that I won't hear the phone when she calls. I'm on call for "pick up Tatum" duty. 
Some of you may not know, but Tatum was born at home with a mid-wife, and little Nagle Nugget #2 will come into the world in similar fashion (albeit much shorter labor-we're all hoping. Tatum took 24 hours-and weighed 8#2oz.) Just thought I'd throw that stat in now that you've all made your guess already! BTW, as you'll note below, there are only three people left in the pool, and two didn't put a time. Looks like it will either be a three way tie, a possible win for Ike, OR…start a new pool!

The National Day of Prayer observance has been held since 1952. It was created by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. In 1988, President Reagan designated the "holiday" as an annual observance to be held on the first Thursday of May --as it had been previously.
Each president since Truman has proclaimed at least on national day of prayer, and a total of 61 have been issued since 1952.  

“The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the 
culture.” One vision listed:

*Preserve America’s Christian heritage and defend the religious freedoms granted by the Constitution.                                                  
                                                                                           (Global Post)

" These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads." 
                                                                                  Deuteronomy 6:6-8

" Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."
                                                                                        Proverbs 14:34

9 Day Countdown-
Day 5

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't
save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

BABY GUESSES-LARGE print are those still in the running…we're down to THREE!!! If our little grandchild doesn't arrive by midnight Sat., 5/5; this entire process will start over again! I believe the little darlin' is simply too comfy inside mommy. We worked out together today, and I was sweatin' and whining, wanting to quit-but, as I looked over at Jill and she gave me the "look" as she pointed to her not so tiny belly, I sucked it up and kept going!  

1. A healthy and robust boy, little less than 7 pounds, 18 in. long on Sunday the 29th of April.  

 Betty Deach-Jo’s mom


2. My guess 

baby girl  8lb 4oz and 21 in 
Keep me posted.

3. my guess without seeing her is  8#9oz. boy , 5/1. 
Sent after pic was sent: adorable picture, what fun another grand baby to spoil, now I don't remember what I said???  Jill looks like she is carrying the baby right out front, how big was Tataum ? oh I will just stick with the 5/1 and 8#9 1/2 lbs ok. and it could be a boy?

4/29/12  8# 7oz  22”

Donna Schwartz
5. I think it's twins and if she had an ultrasound one is hiding...  I say 10lbs 2 oz. May 1st!  xoxo to all!

Glad you're doing well my friend. 
6. I will go with May 1st, 5:07 am, 9# 4oz 21 inches.  I sure wish I had looked that good at 39 weeks!
Pamela K.
7. Baby boy Nagle will arrive on Sunday, April 29th (May 1st would be cool.. it's Ethan's birthday, and Josh's too)... all good things happen on Sunday's, right?   8 lbs. 12 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long and will arrive at 11:49 am.  I am so excited for them!!  I LOVE having kids... the more the better!  ahhahahahah... well, maybe the 3 the better... hahahahah
Mariah McKenney
Oh, My Gosh!!!!
My guess is Twins. Sorry.
Leila Peterson
9. Wow, she looks great!  Congrats to all of you...and good luck! Michelle Huntsman
10. I bet it's a girl.  My mom use to say if you carried your baby in the front then it would be a girl.  If you carried it in the back - a boy!  How's that for an old wives tale?8 lbs. 6 oz. 22 inches long on Friday, April 27th!
Diana Locey (Colusa Pres. Secretary)
11. I say boy!  She looks fantastic, all belly!!
Diedre, Starr’s sister
12. Girl, 8.5 lbs., 21.5” long, Sunday, 4/29 at 4:20 pm
13. I think it is a boy, (it looks very low) and big too, 8.13 oz.  Tatum looks so happy holding the 39 weeks.   I hope all goes well with her delivery and your recovery. Prayers and hugs to you all.
Heidi Hefner Tripp
14. Boy. 8 pounds 5 oz.  21 3/4 inches. 5/5/12
Jennifer Gannon
15. My guess is a girl, because thats what T wants, Wed. May 2nd. I'm rarely wrong however I encourage the rest of you to try:) 
16. Ok I'm in for  9.6!!!! 21in
40 weeks and 2 days
Amanda Soderman
17. That’s about the size I was when Josh was born, and he weighed in at 9 lb. 14 oz. and was 21” long.
Diane Fisher
18. My guess on Jilly is boy arriving May 1st at 11:20am, I dont really know enough about this stuff to guess a weight and length. Love Kelli
19. My guess for the new arrival is 4/29/12 @4:00 PM it will be a 8# 5 oz. boy.  Have a great party and celebrate for us Dakotans too!  Love, Kerry Christman
20. don't know what makes me think May 1st would be a great day for that sweet baby to arrive.  Going to guess boy also, except a girl would be great too.  how about 8#12 oz. Jo Anne (my BBF)
21. My Guess: 2 a.m., 4/30/12, big girl….9 pounds, 21 1/2"   Kate Parker

22. Jill looks a lot like you did at about that age.Guess I'll take a wild guess... Baby boy, 9#2oz.  May 1, shortly aftermidnight. 21 inches long.Have a good time at your party.   Eunice

23. I'm going with BOY! 8 lbs 5oz 22in born on 4/30/12 at 9:05am.
Love, Kelli Randolph

24. May 2, 8:52 A.M. 8#7oz. Boy, 21 in. Papa Jack

25. Baby Boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. Nana GG

26. Baby Boy, 8 1/2#, 21 7/8 " long. Cathy L.

27. I'm so happy for all of you!! My guess is 8 lbs. 6 oz., a boy, 19 in. on May 1. Love and all God's blerssings, Linda V.

28. I think Jill & Ryan will have a boy born May 1st at 6:20 A.M. Barb G.
29. Baby Boy, April 29, 8:45, 9 lbs. 3 oz. 22.5 inches-Pastor Helen
30. Girl, Monday 4/30, 3 a.m.  7#6oz., 22 inches long-Shirley
31. Boy - Colleen; Nana GG's college suitemate
32. Ike Carpenter-Ok, I'm guessing that since we haven't heard about a new baby yet, one must still be on the way? So, my guess is 5/512 at 4:30 AM. Send prize to my home personal delivery!

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