I'm back after a short hiatus…needed some time to regroup, grieve, drive bumpy roads, get in the radiation groove, etc. Today I finished Day #12!! YAY~ I'm over 1/3 completed! At this point in this part of the journey, I have the nicest tan I've ever had-well, at least on my left one!!;) (actually I've NEVER had a tan on this particular part of my body!) Radiation is going fine so far-the easiest part of this entire process, actually. The most difficult part is the 40 minute drive to the treatment center.
THAT is coming to a screeching halt very soon! We found a different home to rent, and will be moving in a few weeks! We love where we are for the beauty and seclusion, and the little Methodist Church here on the bluff; but with all that's transpired in the past 4 months, and will be happening in about 5 weeks-(brand new grandbaby!!) living in a remote area is not the best place for us. This new place has the best of both worlds: 4 blocks from Fred Meyers grocery (one of my favorite stores!), 10 minutes from Hobby Lobby!!! (oh my), and overlooks a 21 acre lake with a walk path around its entirety. The back end of the property rises up into a rocky, grassy, pine tree covered hilltop that's just large enough to sit in our lawn chairs and watch the sunset. It's actually a dream place for us. It also has three seriously important entities that were the main cause for our deciding to relocate so soon-cell service (we have none out here in the boonies), excellent internet service (very spotty and unpredictable here), closer to everything with all paved travel.
So, watch this blog and an email from me for our new address to be announced when everything is finalized.
Jack is healing remarkably well; in fact, he flies out Monday morning for the Masters in Augusta, Georgia! He won the lottery tickets for the practice rounds for the second time, and invited his younger brother, Jeff, and nephews, Drew and Luke. Sounds like a great "Male-bonding" event!
Prayer Warriors: Update-Mark and Corine are home and doing ok, (report from my cuz, Paulette) Ike and Dawn await Ike's surgery, Jo, my BBF, and her hubby, Jon, are hanging on one day at a time, but things won't stop knocking them back. Please pray for both Jon and Jo, as they mourn the loss of their dear son, Jon Christopher, and Jo winds down with 11 days of radiation to go, and they both try to catch up on rest lost spending 9 hours in ER yesterday! (We think Jon's trying to keep up with Jack!-NOT) Please pray for my cousin, Paulette-she has a heal spur on one foot, plantar fachiatis on the other, and had a mole removed from one this past Tuesday.
I close today's post with these words I found in a book our dear friend, Helen Laws, gave to us.
"I expect to pass through this life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. "
William Penn
"Bless every humble soul who, in these days of stress and strain, preaches sermons without words."
Peter Marshall
" God can do wonders with a broken heart if you give Him all the pieces." Victor Alfsen
"Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later." Ecclesiastes 11:1
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Dedicated to my brother, Harlan-in memory of Barb.
A heavy heart again….our dear, sweet sister-in-law, Barb, passed away yesterday after a massive heart attack. I, along with everyone who loved her, am in absolute shock. My brother, Harlan, has experienced far more heart ache than any one man should have to. After he lost his first wife of 35 years, Sue, to cancer 4 years ago, God brought another beautiful woman into his life. Barb and Harlan lived the fullest, most love-filled two and a half years that anyone could. They shared special moments with children, grandchildren, family and friends, talked about their dreams together, and most importantly, they remembered to "dance in the rain." There time together was far to short, but oh, so rich and fullfilling. We can all learn from having watched them. And, once again, Harlan is a "rock". He is the epitome of a faithful man and caring/loving husband. He told my sister last night: "Well, Amy, you know you have to die to get into Heaven." Barb had an "in" long before yesterday. I know, because I saw her wings here on Earth. She showed them often in countless, selfless ways. I loved Barb dearly….she was like another sister to me, and I am going to miss her very, very much. Rest in the arms of Jesus, "sis"… until we meet again.
Another reminder to all of us:
Hug and kiss those you love every single chance you get, and call them up and tell them if they don't live nearby. Life is so very precious……and whatever you do,
“Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.”
That's what Harlan and Barb did.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sad, Sad Day….
My heart is so very heavy this morning. I received word of the tragic death of my BBF, Jo's, son. It pains me so to hear this news. I pray continually for God to wrap his loving arms around my dear friend who is also in the second week of her radiation therapy. I ask that He give Jo, her husband, John, Shirley, (Jo's dear friend), Betty, (Jo's Mom) and all of their family HIS peace which passes all understanding.
In memory of Jo's son and in honor of Jo and John and all of their loved ones, I will not be posting a blog entry for a few days. What happened in the life of my sweet friend makes my troubles look like a walk in the park. I will be spending my time holding them up in prayer. I ask you to, as well. Thank you.
I'm sharing something my dear friend, Susan G., shared with me after her son died tragically a few years ago in Sidney, MT.
"God cares. He sees your tears. He hears your prayers. He will answer."
"The righteous cry and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles." Psalm 34:17
In memory of Jo's son and in honor of Jo and John and all of their loved ones, I will not be posting a blog entry for a few days. What happened in the life of my sweet friend makes my troubles look like a walk in the park. I will be spending my time holding them up in prayer. I ask you to, as well. Thank you.
I'm sharing something my dear friend, Susan G., shared with me after her son died tragically a few years ago in Sidney, MT.
"God cares. He sees your tears. He hears your prayers. He will answer."
"The righteous cry and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles." Psalm 34:17
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Pasco, WA-last hurrah!
As I sit in the Best Western motel room watching college students meander around campus next door, my mind takes me back to those special days at Valley City and Dickinson State (College-then) Universities. I don't think backpacks were invented yet?? or maybe it just wasn't "cool". (yeah…we were cool back then, too-one of the few words that hasn't changed in popularity or meaning) I remember rushing from beginning swimming class across campus to American History 101 with a wet head OR…(are you ready for this??) with a rubber band-tight, curly wig yanked on my head!! Now, THAT'S an honest shared piece of information! (I'll bet daughter, Jill, is laughing hysterically right now or at the very least, rolling her eyes and shaking her head!) I also remember hiking up about 5 stories of steps to a tiny, dusty attic for Speech 101 class and giving my first Speech on making tissue paper flowers-BIG flowers…about a foot in diameter. Remember those?!
After two years in the hallowed halls of VCSC, I transferred to DSC to take part in their much more active Rodeo Club, for the most part. My good friend and rodeo "mentor", Debbie Tvedt, transferred at the same time, and we were roommates. I'm not sure why we didn't have our room full of saddles, a roping dummy, and other tack when we transferred over to Delong Hall and joined suite mates: Kerry, Gayle, Colleen, Shalisha, Juanita, and ? I imagine the other 6 ladies said "NO WAY". I can't be completely honest about most of the crazy memories I have, as they aren't acceptable for this "G-rated/family friendly" blog, but, I can honestly say: "Those were the days, my friend; we thought they'd never end….."
Ok….back to today! I drove my sweet Valentine to Pasco, WA for his adjuster training meeting yesterday and today. We basically stuffed every bed pillow we own into the back seat of my car, and made a comfy (well, as comfy as you can get in a tiny SUV) somewhat reclined seat for Jack to elevate his knee and get some much needed rest. Neither of us had a very good night before we left: we can't seem to remember which one of us got 5 hours and which one got 4. Suffice it to say-we were both pretty well shot last night at 8:30 after returning from a delicious dinner out with the crew. After a much more restful night last night, Jack headed back down for meetings while Daisy and I went for a tiny walk and had breakfast. ( I could get used to this motel life very easily!) This has been a fantastic mini-respite for me, especially-Jack, not so much-before I begin my radiation therapy tomorrow, Thursday, at 2:00 P.M.
Prayer Warriors: Please pray the radiation technician has GREAT/PERFECT AIM! Seriously….I'm praying for a dead-on target, and NO damage to any other part of my body, i.e., lungs, heart, etc. Please continue prayers for: Mark, (battling prostrate cancer) Corine,(supporting hubby, Mark) Ike,(battling prostrate cancer) Dawn,(cancer-free BB/supporting hubby, Ike) Jo,(BBF undergoing radiation/praying for spot-on radiation as well), Irena and Sharon, (BBF, Jo's friends) Mindy, (dealing with RA) Betsey, (young mom battling breast cancer) and Sis-in-law, Barb (extensive/thorough testing at Mayo Clinic)
I began a virtual Bible Study put on by holyyogafoundation.com, and our first session was on honesty. Unfortunately, I misread the info, thought it was 6:00 P.M. rather than A.M. and, overslept a bit. By the time I joined the group at 6:20, I had missed the intro. However, I did come away with a few good things from the first session on Honesty: P.S.Remember GG's rule-Take what you want and leave the rest!;)
1. Honesty is foundational for anyone to experience spiritual or personal growth.
2. People generally believe themselves to be honest.
3. Change can be difficult and painful.
4. People who are honest have an accountability system.
5. Honesty requires an admission of personal sin.
6. An honest evaluation allows for one to accept what is true.
THREE things to contemplate when asking ourselves "How do I say what I want to say?":
1. Is it KIND?
2. Is it TRUE?
"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. Galatians 6:1-5
10 Reasons to come to Jesus:
1. John 1:33 - "Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit, come to Him and be empowered to witness."
4. John 4:10 - "Jesus gives living water; come to Him and drink to the full."
After two years in the hallowed halls of VCSC, I transferred to DSC to take part in their much more active Rodeo Club, for the most part. My good friend and rodeo "mentor", Debbie Tvedt, transferred at the same time, and we were roommates. I'm not sure why we didn't have our room full of saddles, a roping dummy, and other tack when we transferred over to Delong Hall and joined suite mates: Kerry, Gayle, Colleen, Shalisha, Juanita, and ? I imagine the other 6 ladies said "NO WAY". I can't be completely honest about most of the crazy memories I have, as they aren't acceptable for this "G-rated/family friendly" blog, but, I can honestly say: "Those were the days, my friend; we thought they'd never end….."
Ok….back to today! I drove my sweet Valentine to Pasco, WA for his adjuster training meeting yesterday and today. We basically stuffed every bed pillow we own into the back seat of my car, and made a comfy (well, as comfy as you can get in a tiny SUV) somewhat reclined seat for Jack to elevate his knee and get some much needed rest. Neither of us had a very good night before we left: we can't seem to remember which one of us got 5 hours and which one got 4. Suffice it to say-we were both pretty well shot last night at 8:30 after returning from a delicious dinner out with the crew. After a much more restful night last night, Jack headed back down for meetings while Daisy and I went for a tiny walk and had breakfast. ( I could get used to this motel life very easily!) This has been a fantastic mini-respite for me, especially-Jack, not so much-before I begin my radiation therapy tomorrow, Thursday, at 2:00 P.M.
Prayer Warriors: Please pray the radiation technician has GREAT/PERFECT AIM! Seriously….I'm praying for a dead-on target, and NO damage to any other part of my body, i.e., lungs, heart, etc. Please continue prayers for: Mark, (battling prostrate cancer) Corine,(supporting hubby, Mark) Ike,(battling prostrate cancer) Dawn,(cancer-free BB/supporting hubby, Ike) Jo,(BBF undergoing radiation/praying for spot-on radiation as well), Irena and Sharon, (BBF, Jo's friends) Mindy, (dealing with RA) Betsey, (young mom battling breast cancer) and Sis-in-law, Barb (extensive/thorough testing at Mayo Clinic)
I began a virtual Bible Study put on by holyyogafoundation.com, and our first session was on honesty. Unfortunately, I misread the info, thought it was 6:00 P.M. rather than A.M. and, overslept a bit. By the time I joined the group at 6:20, I had missed the intro. However, I did come away with a few good things from the first session on Honesty: P.S.Remember GG's rule-Take what you want and leave the rest!;)
1. Honesty is foundational for anyone to experience spiritual or personal growth.
2. People generally believe themselves to be honest.
3. Change can be difficult and painful.
4. People who are honest have an accountability system.
5. Honesty requires an admission of personal sin.
6. An honest evaluation allows for one to accept what is true.
THREE things to contemplate when asking ourselves "How do I say what I want to say?":
1. Is it KIND?
2. Is it TRUE?
"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. Galatians 6:1-5
10 Reasons to come to Jesus:
1. John 1:33 - "Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit, come to Him and be empowered to witness."
2. John 14:27 - "Jesus gives peace, come to Him and be not troubled."
3. John 11:25 - "Jesus is the Resurrection, come to Him and have blessed hope."
5. John 15:5 - "Jesus is the Vine; come to Him and abide in fruitfulness."
6. John 10:14 - "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, come to Him and be led in right paths."
7. John 8:12 - "Jesus is the Light of the World, come to Him and see clearly."
8. John 6:51 - "Jesus is the Bread of Life, come to Him and feast at His table."
9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."
10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Good Rainy, Spring-Ahead Day!
Things are looking up! Jack's feeling much better, after an exciting (NOT) evening in the ER, followed by a frightening appearance in the commode yesterday! Our minds were put to ease by a few chats with RN-sis, Amy, and BBF, Jo, and the on call doctor. Things continued to get better and better yesterday.
The highlight of the day, and most likely the best medicine for Papa Jack, was our trip to the Chicken farm with Tatum Bug and her Mommy! It was every Little Red Hen lovers dream place! At least 500 chickens of every color in the rainbow roamed a huge "chicken corral". The chicken farmer was cleaning the winters collection of poop and getting ready to turn the "herd" out to their grass pasture. As we got out of the truck Tatum said, "Ewwww…it smells Dee-sgusting! That strong aroma didn't bother her once she caught sight of the huge flock of hens and a few roosters. She was also intrigued by two geese locked in a cage and another pen full of turkeys. After we wandered around the amazing array of colored, clucking feathers, Tatum begin pointed to the "girls" she would like to have. We settled on a black and white Barred Plymouth Rock that Tatum instantly christened, "Zebra", and two sexlinks: a red one, and a black with red neck feathers. We loaded them in the dog kennel and got in the truck to head back home. Tatum commented again on our stinky feet….and we were extra careful to keep our shoes from leaving any "sweet" stuff behind on Ryan's floor mats!
The "girls" settled in nicely in their new home, and Tatum and her Daddy found names for the other two. We now patiently await the yummy, fresh, eggs from Zebra, Ginger, and Fireball!
Come on over for breakfast anytime!
This dreary, misty day begins with coffee, snuggling with Daisy Mae on my favorite spot on the loveseat, counting my blessings. It's been a week full of crazy-not so fun stuff-and I am looking forward to beginning a new week. Tomorrow will be a follow-up appointment with Jack's doctor, and then Tuesday morning we will head down the road to Pasco, WA, where Jack has meetings for two days. It will be nice to get away on a "vacation" (for me, that is-Jack will be working) before I go under the "gun" Thursday at 2:00 p.m. My radiation therapy will last for 30-35 days, with weekends off, and I won't be leaving the home front for that many days. I'm looking forward to getting it going and overwith. It will be refreshing to be nearly finished and ready for new beginnings right around the ultimate New Beginning-EASTER! Change and new beginnings are like a vacation-(a good friend once told me this) and I anticipate the greatest "vacation" we've ever been on!
P.S…..word from the chicken farm-Tatum found THREE EGGS this morning!!!
3. John 11:25 - "Jesus is the Resurrection, come to Him and have blessed hope."
4. John 4:10 - "Jesus gives living water; come to Him and drink to the full."
The highlight of the day, and most likely the best medicine for Papa Jack, was our trip to the Chicken farm with Tatum Bug and her Mommy! It was every Little Red Hen lovers dream place! At least 500 chickens of every color in the rainbow roamed a huge "chicken corral". The chicken farmer was cleaning the winters collection of poop and getting ready to turn the "herd" out to their grass pasture. As we got out of the truck Tatum said, "Ewwww…it smells Dee-sgusting! That strong aroma didn't bother her once she caught sight of the huge flock of hens and a few roosters. She was also intrigued by two geese locked in a cage and another pen full of turkeys. After we wandered around the amazing array of colored, clucking feathers, Tatum begin pointed to the "girls" she would like to have. We settled on a black and white Barred Plymouth Rock that Tatum instantly christened, "Zebra", and two sexlinks: a red one, and a black with red neck feathers. We loaded them in the dog kennel and got in the truck to head back home. Tatum commented again on our stinky feet….and we were extra careful to keep our shoes from leaving any "sweet" stuff behind on Ryan's floor mats!
The "girls" settled in nicely in their new home, and Tatum and her Daddy found names for the other two. We now patiently await the yummy, fresh, eggs from Zebra, Ginger, and Fireball!
This dreary, misty day begins with coffee, snuggling with Daisy Mae on my favorite spot on the loveseat, counting my blessings. It's been a week full of crazy-not so fun stuff-and I am looking forward to beginning a new week. Tomorrow will be a follow-up appointment with Jack's doctor, and then Tuesday morning we will head down the road to Pasco, WA, where Jack has meetings for two days. It will be nice to get away on a "vacation" (for me, that is-Jack will be working) before I go under the "gun" Thursday at 2:00 p.m. My radiation therapy will last for 30-35 days, with weekends off, and I won't be leaving the home front for that many days. I'm looking forward to getting it going and overwith. It will be refreshing to be nearly finished and ready for new beginnings right around the ultimate New Beginning-EASTER! Change and new beginnings are like a vacation-(a good friend once told me this) and I anticipate the greatest "vacation" we've ever been on!
P.S…..word from the chicken farm-Tatum found THREE EGGS this morning!!!
10 reasons to come to Jesus:
2. John 14:27 - "Jesus gives peace, come to Him and be not troubled."
5. John 15:5 - "Jesus is the Vine; come to Him and abide in fruitfulness."
6. John 10:14 - "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, come to Him and be led in right paths."
7. John 8:12 - "Jesus is the Light of the World, come to Him and see clearly."
8. John 6:51 - "Jesus is the Bread of Life, come to Him and feast at His table."
9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."
10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."
Friday, March 9, 2012
The Rest of the Story.
Last night as my eyelids were slamming shut while writing my post here, I promised you all "The REST of the Story", so, here it is:
My day of "interesting events" began several hours before the Urgent Care/ER fiasco. I've been battling pain in my big right toe for about 20 years. A podiatrist told me somewhere around 1988 that I had a "genetically deformed" toe joint. He explained that I would need surgery to clean up the problem, and when the pain got severe enough, I would schedule it. Well, the pain has gotten bad enough, (actually has been pretty knife piercing for the past several years, especially when walking) After discussing the problem with my two brothers and my cousin (two have had the surgery), I realized that it's something I must follow through with. During our conversations over the years, we've often had a good laugh at the expense of our Grandfather as we talk about who we inherited this "Toe-affliction" from. We all agree it must have been our Grandpa Herb (my Dad's father) as he lost his big toe in a water well drilling accident. I THINK this is true…hard to say for sure, as Grandpa told us all kinds of stories about how he "chopped it off", and no story was ever the same! We are certain of one thing-he was missing his big toe, thus the reasoning that he could have had the same problem and would never have known it!
Ok…remember ADDWOM? I think it just kicked in again.
I've gone to two different podiatrist/foot surgeons since we moved here last June, and finally bit the bullet and scheduled surgery for March 1. Yup, you guessed it-that was LONG before that stinking little cancer tumor decided to rear it's ugly head! I had an appointment with my 'second opinion' foot surgeon to discuss alternative suggestions for staving off pain until my oncologists clear me for surgery. I thought since I was a couple blocks from my former doctor {who originally told me (seems like eons ago) my biopsy was good/no cancer, and 4 days later said it was an oops} that I would call and tell them I would be stopping by to pick up my records for my file and then have them with me for the Seattle Doctor appointment. After having a disagreeing discussion with the answering service man, (him - "That's not the way they do it-they go doctor to doctor". Me - "I have a legal right to my own personal records." Him - "I'll have to call the doctor and see what he says-he'll get back to you." Me - "I'm 2 blocks away, I'd like to pick them up now, since I live 30 minutes from here, and need them tomorrow morning." Him - "I'll have to call the doctor and see what he says-he'll get back to you." Me - BOILING by NOW…."I'll be there in 5 minutes to pick them up, Thank you (yes, I really did say thank you) Goodbye."
So…after saying the serenity prayer about 10 times and repeating my own personal verse a few times: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6, I drove home. I called my Seattle doctor, and explained briefly (yeah, right!) what had transpired, and she was so kind and understanding as she explained that I needn't worry-everything would be fine, and my preliminary forms I had faxed would be sufficient. If they needed more, they would fax for any additional records they may need. That former doctor called while I was at urgent care with Jack saying my records would be ready for me to pick up at 4:00. Obviously my records being the furthest thing from my mind at that moment, I disregarded it. Got a second message today while trying to rest saying my records were there ready for me to pick up. I did not call them back and tell them what they could do with the records-instead, I plan to politely request that they mail them to me. "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1-2 I really need to memorize this verse!
So…getting back to the ER…one more interesting little tidbit. Jack was fortunate enough to have two wonderful young ladies take care of him last night. The first one, an Intern, was very thorough and kind. The attending physician, a drop dead gorgeous, 30 year old, Demi Moore look-alike came in to check on Jack several times. She was amazing, not only in looks, but very professional. I'm wondering just how much influence she had on Jack's huge improvement today! We talked on the way home last night about how crazy it is that all the doctors are young enough to be our kids! We can't believe they let medical students in at age 10!
And, here it is 8:30, (correction-9:35) and I'm trying to get this wrapped up before my forehead starts slamming on the keyboard again. Today was a great day including a 15 minute mini-nap on the deck together in our respective Cabella's reclining chairs, followed by a 15 minute walk to the mailbox. Beautiful day, Jack's feeling better, and life is good. My radiation begins Thursday at 2:00, and I'll be driving Jack to his meetings in Pasco on Tuesday and Wednesday. One last little "hurrah" before I'm locked in to Sherman street once a day for 30+ days to meet with the "ZAPSTER"!
Prayer Warriors: THANK YOU those of you who prayed for Jack yesterday…once again we were richly blessed with the answers to our prayers! God is GREAT! Please continue prayers for Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Betsey, Mindy, Vicky, Irena, Sharon, Jack and my BBF, Jo, and me. Please remember all of those who are missing loved ones who are now sitting in the arms of Jesus and all others who are fighting some kind of pain in body, mind, and/or soul.
3. John 11:25 - "Jesus is the Resurrection, come to Him and have blessed hope."
My day of "interesting events" began several hours before the Urgent Care/ER fiasco. I've been battling pain in my big right toe for about 20 years. A podiatrist told me somewhere around 1988 that I had a "genetically deformed" toe joint. He explained that I would need surgery to clean up the problem, and when the pain got severe enough, I would schedule it. Well, the pain has gotten bad enough, (actually has been pretty knife piercing for the past several years, especially when walking) After discussing the problem with my two brothers and my cousin (two have had the surgery), I realized that it's something I must follow through with. During our conversations over the years, we've often had a good laugh at the expense of our Grandfather as we talk about who we inherited this "Toe-affliction" from. We all agree it must have been our Grandpa Herb (my Dad's father) as he lost his big toe in a water well drilling accident. I THINK this is true…hard to say for sure, as Grandpa told us all kinds of stories about how he "chopped it off", and no story was ever the same! We are certain of one thing-he was missing his big toe, thus the reasoning that he could have had the same problem and would never have known it!
Ok…remember ADDWOM? I think it just kicked in again.
I've gone to two different podiatrist/foot surgeons since we moved here last June, and finally bit the bullet and scheduled surgery for March 1. Yup, you guessed it-that was LONG before that stinking little cancer tumor decided to rear it's ugly head! I had an appointment with my 'second opinion' foot surgeon to discuss alternative suggestions for staving off pain until my oncologists clear me for surgery. I thought since I was a couple blocks from my former doctor {who originally told me (seems like eons ago) my biopsy was good/no cancer, and 4 days later said it was an oops} that I would call and tell them I would be stopping by to pick up my records for my file and then have them with me for the Seattle Doctor appointment. After having a disagreeing discussion with the answering service man, (him - "That's not the way they do it-they go doctor to doctor". Me - "I have a legal right to my own personal records." Him - "I'll have to call the doctor and see what he says-he'll get back to you." Me - "I'm 2 blocks away, I'd like to pick them up now, since I live 30 minutes from here, and need them tomorrow morning." Him - "I'll have to call the doctor and see what he says-he'll get back to you." Me - BOILING by NOW…."I'll be there in 5 minutes to pick them up, Thank you (yes, I really did say thank you) Goodbye."
So…after saying the serenity prayer about 10 times and repeating my own personal verse a few times: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6, I drove home. I called my Seattle doctor, and explained briefly (yeah, right!) what had transpired, and she was so kind and understanding as she explained that I needn't worry-everything would be fine, and my preliminary forms I had faxed would be sufficient. If they needed more, they would fax for any additional records they may need. That former doctor called while I was at urgent care with Jack saying my records would be ready for me to pick up at 4:00. Obviously my records being the furthest thing from my mind at that moment, I disregarded it. Got a second message today while trying to rest saying my records were there ready for me to pick up. I did not call them back and tell them what they could do with the records-instead, I plan to politely request that they mail them to me. "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1-2 I really need to memorize this verse!
So…getting back to the ER…one more interesting little tidbit. Jack was fortunate enough to have two wonderful young ladies take care of him last night. The first one, an Intern, was very thorough and kind. The attending physician, a drop dead gorgeous, 30 year old, Demi Moore look-alike came in to check on Jack several times. She was amazing, not only in looks, but very professional. I'm wondering just how much influence she had on Jack's huge improvement today! We talked on the way home last night about how crazy it is that all the doctors are young enough to be our kids! We can't believe they let medical students in at age 10!
And, here it is 8:30, (correction-9:35) and I'm trying to get this wrapped up before my forehead starts slamming on the keyboard again. Today was a great day including a 15 minute mini-nap on the deck together in our respective Cabella's reclining chairs, followed by a 15 minute walk to the mailbox. Beautiful day, Jack's feeling better, and life is good. My radiation begins Thursday at 2:00, and I'll be driving Jack to his meetings in Pasco on Tuesday and Wednesday. One last little "hurrah" before I'm locked in to Sherman street once a day for 30+ days to meet with the "ZAPSTER"!
Prayer Warriors: THANK YOU those of you who prayed for Jack yesterday…once again we were richly blessed with the answers to our prayers! God is GREAT! Please continue prayers for Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Betsey, Mindy, Vicky, Irena, Sharon, Jack and my BBF, Jo, and me. Please remember all of those who are missing loved ones who are now sitting in the arms of Jesus and all others who are fighting some kind of pain in body, mind, and/or soul.
10 reasons to come to Jesus:
10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."
9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."
8. John 6:51 - "Jesus is the Bread of Life, come to Him and feast at His table."
7. John 8:12 - "Jesus is the Light of the World, come to Him and see clearly."
6. John 10:14 - "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, come to Him and be led in right paths."
5. John 15:5 - "Jesus is the Vine; come to Him and abide in fruitfulness."
3. John 11:25 - "Jesus is the Resurrection, come to Him and have blessed hope."
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