Tuesday, March 6, 2012

HEre wE Go aGaIn!

The GL strikes again! I woke up at 6:30, checked my email, (takes about 5 minutes now that I closed my facebook account!), sewed on the quilts for a bit, faxed my history to the naturopathic doctor in Seattle, and mentally prepared for our trip to Puyallup for the appointment on Friday. As I was getting ready to prepare lunch, I got a phone call from Ben, the man who did my simulation for radiation on Thursday. 

He explained to me that I would need to come back in for yet ANOTHER CT scan to get a couple more things "just right". I was shocked, and questioned him about having two CT scans so close together, and how I was really uncomfortable doing that. (I'm trying to get as little radiation going through this body of mine as I can). He apologized, but insisted that in order for me to have the radiation therapy, I would HAVE to have another scan. He wanted me to come down (all the way across town again) today, and we set a time for 3:30. After hanging up with him, the anxiety and paranoia went postal! 

I was about to have a major meltdown when I remembered Philippians 4:6. After repeating it several times and getting my heart rate back down closer to normal (Thank You, GOD!) I made roughly 5 phone calls: One to each of my doctors: radiation oncologist, medical oncologist, Ben (again), and the nurses to each doctor. I was grasping for answers and explanations. At that point, I was beginning to wonder if God was trying to tell me I SHOULDN'T have the radiation therapy.  The medical doctor's nurse returned my call and calmed me some, and suggested I get in touch with the radiation doctor. I called Ben for the second time and as I was explaining to him that I was NOT going to come for the second CT scan today-that I just couldn't do it without talking to my doctor about it-my radiation doctor's nurse called back. She was very kind, understanding and apologetic. (I think she sensed that I was about to lose it!) She asked if it would be at all possible for me to drive down and talk to Dr. Lamoreaux, and I said yes. 

I wasn't sure what to think when I went to the desk and the nurse asked how she could help me. When I said, "I'm Georgia Gannon," she interrupted with, "oh, YOU'RE Georgia!" News travels fast whether it's exciting or not. 

They were very apologetic and thanked me repeatedly for making the trip down. When Dr. came in a few minutes later, he, too, apologized for the mix up and explained how Ben should not have made that call to me. That was not part of his job, and it was unnecessary. Dr. explained how Ben was over compensating for an error in the check off boxes, that he had forgotten to check, ie., was I head first or feet first, prone position or not, and he felt he needed to correct this and make it perfect for Dr. Lamoreaux. However, Dr. explained to me that he does not need all of those specifics, that Ben is over cautious/zealous with perfection, and relatively new in their group. He reassured me that he has everything under control, and that I would in fact be able to start therapy on Monday the 12th. 

There is one minor (or major-depends on how you look at it) glitch. He is not so sure that I can do the partial breast/5 day treatment plan. I may have to go with the full breast/30 day treatment because of the size of the area that needs to be radiated. This exact measurement showed up on the CT scan, and Doc is going to tweak the computer plan and see which plan will work best for me. The problem is, if I need to have 3/4 of my breast radiated to cover the area, it may be less damaging to tissue to do the less intense full-breast, 30 day treatment. Higher risk of long term damage to the fat cells causing lingering pain which require anti-inflammatory drugs, does not sound like a good plan. If it isn't one thing, it's another! 

BUT….I must remember: "never so bad it couldn't be worse". I HAVE my breast. AND, I also have "my" verse to lean on: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6. And….LEAN, I did, and guess what-it worked again! God is good. He answered my prayer for clarity and understanding about all of this radiation mix-up. I am ready to move forward-again. And, I can do it without a second CT scan. 

My goodness-that turned into TMI again. Sorry about that. But, for those of you who haven't been following my blog from the "get-go", the rule is: "Read what you want, and leave the rest." 
Another tid-bit I've learned through all of this (besides the "P" word) SQUEAK THAT WHEEL!! I definitely got OILED today!!;) 

Blessings to all of you BB's! (Blogger Buddies) Remember in everything you do-F.R.O.G.

10 reasons to come to Jesus:

10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."

9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."

8. John 6:51 - "Jesus is the Bread of Life, come to Him and feast at His table."

7. John 8:12 - "Jesus is the Light of the World, come to Him and see clearly."

6. John 10:14 - "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, come to Him and be led in right paths."
5. John 15:5 - "Jesus is the Vine; come to Him and abide in fruitfulness."
4. John 4:10 - "Jesus gives living water; come to Him and drink to the full."

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