After two years in the hallowed halls of VCSC, I transferred to DSC to take part in their much more active Rodeo Club, for the most part. My good friend and rodeo "mentor", Debbie Tvedt, transferred at the same time, and we were roommates. I'm not sure why we didn't have our room full of saddles, a roping dummy, and other tack when we transferred over to Delong Hall and joined suite mates: Kerry, Gayle, Colleen, Shalisha, Juanita, and ? I imagine the other 6 ladies said "NO WAY". I can't be completely honest about most of the crazy memories I have, as they aren't acceptable for this "G-rated/family friendly" blog, but, I can honestly say: "Those were the days, my friend; we thought they'd never end….."
Ok….back to today! I drove my sweet Valentine to Pasco, WA for his adjuster training meeting yesterday and today. We basically stuffed every bed pillow we own into the back seat of my car, and made a comfy (well, as comfy as you can get in a tiny SUV) somewhat reclined seat for Jack to elevate his knee and get some much needed rest. Neither of us had a very good night before we left: we can't seem to remember which one of us got 5 hours and which one got 4. Suffice it to say-we were both pretty well shot last night at 8:30 after returning from a delicious dinner out with the crew. After a much more restful night last night, Jack headed back down for meetings while Daisy and I went for a tiny walk and had breakfast. ( I could get used to this motel life very easily!) This has been a fantastic mini-respite for me, especially-Jack, not so much-before I begin my radiation therapy tomorrow, Thursday, at 2:00 P.M.
Prayer Warriors: Please pray the radiation technician has GREAT/PERFECT AIM! Seriously….I'm praying for a dead-on target, and NO damage to any other part of my body, i.e., lungs, heart, etc. Please continue prayers for: Mark, (battling prostrate cancer) Corine,(supporting hubby, Mark) Ike,(battling prostrate cancer) Dawn,(cancer-free BB/supporting hubby, Ike) Jo,(BBF undergoing radiation/praying for spot-on radiation as well), Irena and Sharon, (BBF, Jo's friends) Mindy, (dealing with RA) Betsey, (young mom battling breast cancer) and Sis-in-law, Barb (extensive/thorough testing at Mayo Clinic)
I began a virtual Bible Study put on by, and our first session was on honesty. Unfortunately, I misread the info, thought it was 6:00 P.M. rather than A.M. and, overslept a bit. By the time I joined the group at 6:20, I had missed the intro. However, I did come away with a few good things from the first session on Honesty: P.S.Remember GG's rule-Take what you want and leave the rest!;)
1. Honesty is foundational for anyone to experience spiritual or personal growth.
2. People generally believe themselves to be honest.
3. Change can be difficult and painful.
4. People who are honest have an accountability system.
5. Honesty requires an admission of personal sin.
6. An honest evaluation allows for one to accept what is true.
THREE things to contemplate when asking ourselves "How do I say what I want to say?":
1. Is it KIND?
2. Is it TRUE?
"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. Galatians 6:1-5
10 Reasons to come to Jesus:
1. John 1:33 - "Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit, come to Him and be empowered to witness."
2. John 14:27 - "Jesus gives peace, come to Him and be not troubled."
3. John 11:25 - "Jesus is the Resurrection, come to Him and have blessed hope."
5. John 15:5 - "Jesus is the Vine; come to Him and abide in fruitfulness."
6. John 10:14 - "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, come to Him and be led in right paths."

7. John 8:12 - "Jesus is the Light of the World, come to Him and see clearly."
8. John 6:51 - "Jesus is the Bread of Life, come to Him and feast at His table."

9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."
10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."
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