The highlight of the day, and most likely the best medicine for Papa Jack, was our trip to the Chicken farm with Tatum Bug and her Mommy! It was every Little Red Hen lovers dream place! At least 500 chickens of every color in the rainbow roamed a huge "chicken corral". The chicken farmer was cleaning the winters collection of poop and getting ready to turn the "herd" out to their grass pasture. As we got out of the truck Tatum said, "Ewwww…it smells Dee-sgusting! That strong aroma didn't bother her once she caught sight of the huge flock of hens and a few roosters. She was also intrigued by two geese locked in a cage and another pen full of turkeys. After we wandered around the amazing array of colored, clucking feathers, Tatum begin pointed to the "girls" she would like to have. We settled on a black and white Barred Plymouth Rock that Tatum instantly christened, "Zebra", and two sexlinks: a red one, and a black with red neck feathers. We loaded them in the dog kennel and got in the truck to head back home. Tatum commented again on our stinky feet….and we were extra careful to keep our shoes from leaving any "sweet" stuff behind on Ryan's floor mats!
The "girls" settled in nicely in their new home, and Tatum and her Daddy found names for the other two. We now patiently await the yummy, fresh, eggs from Zebra, Ginger, and Fireball!
This dreary, misty day begins with coffee, snuggling with Daisy Mae on my favorite spot on the loveseat, counting my blessings. It's been a week full of crazy-not so fun stuff-and I am looking forward to beginning a new week. Tomorrow will be a follow-up appointment with Jack's doctor, and then Tuesday morning we will head down the road to Pasco, WA, where Jack has meetings for two days. It will be nice to get away on a "vacation" (for me, that is-Jack will be working) before I go under the "gun" Thursday at 2:00 p.m. My radiation therapy will last for 30-35 days, with weekends off, and I won't be leaving the home front for that many days. I'm looking forward to getting it going and overwith. It will be refreshing to be nearly finished and ready for new beginnings right around the ultimate New Beginning-EASTER! Change and new beginnings are like a vacation-(a good friend once told me this) and I anticipate the greatest "vacation" we've ever been on!
P.S…..word from the chicken farm-Tatum found THREE EGGS this morning!!!
10 reasons to come to Jesus:
2. John 14:27 - "Jesus gives peace, come to Him and be not troubled."
5. John 15:5 - "Jesus is the Vine; come to Him and abide in fruitfulness."
6. John 10:14 - "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, come to Him and be led in right paths."

7. John 8:12 - "Jesus is the Light of the World, come to Him and see clearly."
8. John 6:51 - "Jesus is the Bread of Life, come to Him and feast at His table."

9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."
10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."
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