Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another Day in GG's Journey/Another Chapter for the BOOK!

Good thing I'm understanding and forgiving of human error. Another "mistake" in my journey. I overslept a bit and then got held up a bit as the school bus slid, yes, I said SLID down the hill as another driver and I waited to see how he came out of it. The driver got stopped in time to pick up his passenger and travel on down the road. Needless to say, my trip was a bit slower than required speed limit. After one more unplanned "stop and wait" for one lane traffic while repairmen put up new electric poles, I finally arrived just 3 minutes late for my appointment. The waiting room chair was warmed up pretty good by the time they called me back to the CT room. The technicion, Regina, instructed me to leave my things on the desk, change into the lovely, sylish "hospital gown", and directed me to the platform I would be laying on-my back-?? I said, "I don't think this is correct, because as I understood it, I would be getting the radiation prone." After several minutes of discussing the matter, she called the radiation doctor and talked to him. After a few more minutes, she gave me the phone and the doctor apologized profusely for the mix up, that I was correct, and somehow there was a miscommunication and the incorrect order box was checked. He took full responsibility for the mistake, and after the technician talked to another technician at another site (this one does not have the set-up needed for the prone simulation/prep), another appointment date was set for TOMORROW. So….after driving across town for my fabulous 2 hour appointment with the dietician/nutritionist, I get to make another trip across town tomorrow. Yay….ok, nobody said this whole ride was going to be easy! I'm thankful I'm assertive enough to stick to my guns as the technician insisted this was the set up I needed. She even tried to convince me by saying the prone position is much more uncomfortable. I'm sure she was simply doing her job and following orders-probably thought I was some crazy sexy breast cancer lady!!! (just had to throw that in to plug one of my great books from the pile of 10-Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr) 

So….with swim exercise class at 8:00 tomorrow morning, followed by the trip across town for my coveted "tattoos" and second go-around at this simulation thing, I must get my fanny to bed. I certainly can't oversleep again. And who knows what Mother Nature will bring tonight with all of the anti-Spring fever conditions we're experiencing lately. 

Prayer Warriors: Praise…my Mother is doing much better, slowly healing from her vertigo and sciatica pain. Jack is doing so much better; the swelling is contained and pain much more controlled. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! Please continue prayers for-Ike, Dawn,  Mindy, Jo, Irena, Sharon, Joe, Mark, Betsey and Me.

Ten Reasons to Come to Jesus:

10. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."

9. John 10:9 - "Jesus is the Door, come to Him and enter His provision."

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you did your research GG and KNEW which way you were supposed to lay! Yikes! Love and hugs to you and Uncle Jack!
