Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tattoo Anyone??

Tomorrow's the day! I get my first "Ink"!! Unbelievable! 

Ok…I must confess: I'm only getting a tattoo, because I have to. It's part of the simulation process for my radiation treatment. Each one (not sure how many) will be this size: .  Yes, that's it-the size of a dot. After that appt., I'll travel across town to the dietician and find out what additional foods I should be eating to get and stay as healthy as I possibly can. I've started my exercise part of my therapy: 5.5-6 hours per week! Headed out to swim exercise class at 7:30, but after sliding sideways down the driveway, passing two tracks where someone had run in the ditch, and then coming up behind 5 vehicles following a school bus, I decided to turn around and go back home-I would have missed most of the class at that rate. I did 1 hour of Holy Yoga! First time to make it to the finish since my surgery. Felt great!

It warmed up to close to 40, thawed most of the icy spots, and cleared some of the snow away, so I ventured in to watch Miss Tatum perform in her tumbling class at the YMCA. We went "shopping" for a gift for the baby, and of course Nana had to buy T-Bug a toy, too. It was a fun shopping trip and nice dry and clear roads back up the mountain. 

I'll keep you updated on the tats….I have to say I'm not looking forward to ANY MORE NEEDLES….even that size, but, guess I don't have much choice. If it makes the target for the radiation a perfectly placed hit, then I'm all for it. I'll simply have to rely on my verse again: Philippians 4:6.

I want to share one of my daily devotional readings I get online. These are an excerpt from a devotional by Roy Lessin, from his blog: Meet Me in the Meadow. Actually, I'll be sharing a bit of it each day for the next 10 days. Figured Leap "Day" was a good day to start!

"Jesus replied, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, before Abraham was born, I AM." John 8:58 AMP

10 Reasons to Come to Jesus:

1. Luke 2:11 - "Jesus is the Savior, come to Him and be forgiven and saved."

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