Thursday, February 23, 2012

Post-Hump/Pre-TGIF Day

Green Drink for Breakfast-check
Kale chips made-check
Laundry started-check
P/T, George came-check
Pain pills and nap-check
Baby quilt cut out-check

Sitting here on the beach-NOT CHECKED:(

I get a daily devotion from each day, and today's was a wonderful affirmation of how much we are loved:

We say: I'm a failure. I can't do anything right.
God says: You can do all things through Christ who 
strengthens you. Philippians 4:13

We say: I still feel guilty about things I've done in the past, even though I've confessed it all as sin and don't do those things anymore.
God says: I blot out your sins and remember them no more.Isaiah 43:25

We say: Sometimes I feel so unlovable. How can God possibly keep on loving me?
God says: God says nothing can separate us from his love.Romans 8:38-39

We say: I tend to be such a fearful person.
God says: The righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1

God sees us as righteous, wise and forgiven. He sees us as his treasures, his children.


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