Sunday, February 19, 2012


Well, we're on our own! So far, so good. Curtis and Jen and kids left this morning around 8:30. They lose an hour and with the snow, etc., I'm glad they got an early start. It was so nice to have them here, even for a short 2 nights. This is what we woke up to:

We did the exercize routine at 9:00, elevated let, for an hour or so, iced twice inbetween, and moved from the recliner (my favorite spot on the right has now become Jack's favorite spot.) to the bed by the window, back to the recliner doing his foot pumps. He's contemplating moving to the bedroom bed for a power nap. I may try for the same, however, it seems my body likes to be awake all day AND for a couple hours at 2:00 a.m. Any of you hormonal or lack of ladies out there in blog land, who would like to have a late night/early morning chat, let me know; we'll hook up on skype! 

I bit the bullet yesterday, and closed my facebook account! YAY ME!!! This compulsive/obssessive behavior of mine is not conducive to facebook. Too much time, too much drama-I've never been a "soap opera" fan, too much-too much! I will miss seeing pictures of my family and friends, however, I'm pretty sure I have all of their email addresses, and will continue to send an occasional "GG's/Nana's Update", so hopefully between my blog and updates, we will all stay in the loop. One gem I gleaned while an avid facebook fan:

Watching Phil, our man, win the Northern Trust Open. He's an awesome "stand by your women" kind of man; his wife, Amy, was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago, and his Mother about 2 weeks later. Besides the fact that he's an amazing golfer and a handsome bugger, he is a charmer to everyone in the gallery. 

Two hour nap down, for the Action Man, and soon time for the second go around of his workout. I'm excited to get back into my Holy Yoga, swimming and biking routine on Tuesday. (not all at once, of course!) But I can certainly tell I'm extremely out of shape-walked to the mailbox yesterday and puffed all the way back up the hill. Sitting on my favorite on the loveseat does not make for a fit bod. 

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please and thank you: Jack, Mark, Barb, Jo, Mindy, and Betsey. 

"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks."   Luke 11:9-10

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