Thursday, February 9, 2012

Days 14, 15, & 16

Ok…this is getting a bit tedious. I think my post title will simply be "Good Day" from now on! Actually every day IS a good day for me these days! Even though a twinge of pain reminds me periodically of what I've ventured through the past month, nearly every second of the day I am simply THANKFUL! Each time I feel something, I remember-I'm CANCER FREE! There just isn't any better feeling than that- Well….other than squeezing on my Grandkids, that is.

When we made the decision to fly to AZ for 5 days of respite and golf before Jack's knee surgery, I had one goal in mind: Sit on the deck and soak up the sun. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! I spent the better part of today doing just that. Felt SO GOOD! I must "paint" a picture for you so you can better understand why I love it here so much.

My parents have two homes up on a road that travels along the foot hills of the Gold Field Mountains North of Apache Junction, AZ. They live in the newer brick home to the East, and we're staying in their original double wide mobile home on the West end of their 2.5 acre plot. When sitting on the front patio, I have a gorgeous view of the Gold Field Mountains filled with saguaro cactus and several other desert plants and trees. The late afternoon sunsets are breathtaking in baby pinks and blues with a spattering of lavender. When I'm on the deck out the back door, I look out over the Phoenix valley. During the early morning hours, I get a glimpse of quail, pigeons, and an occasional Road Runner, scampering around the neighbor's feeder. If they suddenly scatter and fly away, I can usually spot a javelina or coyote close by sneaking up in hopes of a snack of some sort. Toward evening, if I happen to still be there, the sunsets to the West are absolutely gorgeous in all their golden, red, and orange splendor. That view evolves into a kaleidoscope of brilliant sparkles as dusk comes upon me. By the time the moon is high in the sky, I observe the most amazing, vast light show on Earth. It is a very special place up here "On Top of the World", as my Dad always says. This poem I wrote for my Mom and Dad in 2004 probably describes it best:

On Top of the World

The palm tree waves its friendly good morning,
As the hummingbird hovers, gracefully drinking.
The canyon winds blow soft folds into towels.
With Earth and God – the Spirit is linking.
The East holds Superstition in its Majestic beauty.
The Goldfields behind us in all their splender,
The West rolls desert speckled with Saguara.
Straight ahead are the Santans; much more tender.
High above so many little boxes below.
No cement – no traffic – only beauty unfurled.
Immaculate and free is this exquisite place, 
Quiet and peaceful here, on top of the world.

This may give you a better understanding of why I enjoy this place so much. And, why I sat out on the deck with my morning coffee until well into the day-my coffee was cold-and when I finally looked at the time, I realized I'd better make a decision as to whether to jump in the shower or into bed! Actually it wasn't quite that late, but, suffice it to say that not one, but TWO meals had passed! I believe I soaked up just enough Vitamin D to keep that "C" stuff away.

Actually, I felt so good today, I DID get showered and dressed, and spent a bit of time with Mom and Dad before borrowing their car and driving down the road to my brother and wife's house to visit. (first time behind the wheel since my surgery!)  Harlan was out working away on their new home/garage/carport, and Barb gave me a quick tour of all they have done since we were down in Oct. They have such a nice place, and are doing some very cool landscape designing. I can't wait to come back for a visit when his outdoor oven is completed!

Back to Mom and Dad's for a delicious dinner of pork roast, parsnips, and spinach salad. My golfing hubby returned just in time to eat with us and then do the dishes while my Dad wiped them and put them away. I have a very difficult time sitting like a bump on a log, but, haven't figured out how to do most things one-handed. I would do it anyway, but just trying to follow Doctor's orders.

We have a big 3 days planned: Friday-GG: Sit on the deck upon waking up, Jack: Golf with Rob Davis, All of us: Mom and Dad's 67th Anniversary Dinner at Annabelle's Restaurant at AZ Golf Resort. Saturday-GG: Sit on the deck upon waking up, Jack: Golf. All of us: Go to the local favorite Mexican Restaurant for dinner. Sunday-GG: Sit on the deck upon waking up, Church at 10:15. Jack: Golf. All of us: Dinner at Harlan and Barb's at 2'ish. Monday-GG: Sit on the deck upon waking up. Both of us: Pack up and get ready to head to the airport:(

So, there you have it. Just in case I don't find my way off the deck and back onto this blog, you'll know that we are doing great-enjoying the sunshine, my Mom and Dad, family, and lots and lots of golf. Life is good, and I truly believe this is just what the doctor ordered!

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7s


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