Friday, April 27, 2012


My awesome hubby took me to dinner for celebration of the end of my radiation. We ate at the Klinkerdagger restaurant, a unique historic building that  was originally a flour mill. The food was delicious, the atmosphere amazing as we looked out the window and watched the raging Spokane River Spring water falls. Breathtaking. A special card and ribbons decorated the table congratulating me, and the waiter brought their famous creme brulee and a chocolate sundae for Tatum. Before we left, the chef who cooked our meal came out to congratulate me on finishing my radiation and wish me well. He then shared that his wife just finished her radiation three days ago as well. WOW! I am amazed most every day at the number of women who are blasted with breast cancer. I wish I were younger-and smarter-I'd go back to school, become a research scientist and search (not for the cure) for the CAUSE. I so want to learn what's causing all of this cancer, so we can work together to prevent it. That's my prayer, and until it is found, I plan to be prudent with my exercise, what I eat, what I cook my food in, and what I put on my skin. (just call me crazy woman!) Oh well…we're all a tad bit crazy, I imagine. 
We arrived home to find a beautiful flower arrangement of geraniums, (my favorite) and ivy's and other greens, from my dear cousin and her hubs; Dawn and Ike! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! 
Prayer warriors: Thanksgiving for Kelli-her surgery went very well, and please continue for her complete healing and no recurrence. Please continue prayers for: Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Betsey, Jo and Jon, and Greg. 
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
9 Day Countdown:
Day 8-

6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for things that matter.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

BABY GUESSES TO DATE: (better hurry-If I'm going to win, tonight is your last chance!)
1. A healthy and robust boy, little less than 7 pounds, 18 in. long on Sunday the 29th of April.  

 Betty Deach-Jo’s mom


2. My guess 

baby girl  8lb 4oz and 21 in 

Keep me posted.
3. my guess without seeing her is  8#9oz. boy , 5/1. 
Sent after pic was sent: adorable picture, what fun another grand baby to spoil, now I don't remember what I said???  Jill looks like she is carrying the baby right out front, how big was Tataum ? oh I will just stick with the 5/1 and 8#9 1/2 lbs ok. and it could be a boy?

4/29/12  8# 7oz  22”

Donna Schwartz
5. I think it's twins and if she had an ultrasound one is hiding...  I say 10lbs 2 oz. May 1st!  xoxo to all!

Glad you're doing well my friend. 
6. I will go with May 1st, 5:07 am, 9# 4oz 21 inches.  I sure wish I had looked that good at 39 weeks!
Pamela K.
7. Baby boy Nagle will arrive on Sunday, April 29th (May 1st would be cool.. it's Ethan's birthday, and Josh's too)... all good things happen on Sunday's, right?   8 lbs. 12 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long and will arrive at 11:49 am.  I am so excited for them!!  I LOVE having kids... the more the better!  ahhahahahah... well, maybe the 3 the better... hahahahah
Mariah McKenney
Oh, My Gosh!!!!
My guess is Twins. Sorry.
Leila Peterson
9. Wow, she looks great!  Congrats to all of you...and good luck! Michelle Huntsman
10. I bet it's a girl.  My mom use to say if you carried your baby in the front then it would be a girl.  If you carried it in the back - a boy!  How's that for an old wives tale?8 lbs. 6 oz. 22 inches long on Friday, April 27th!
Diana Locey (Colusa Pres. Secretary)
11. I say boy!  She looks fantastic, all belly!!
Diedre, Starr’s sister
12. Girl, 8.5 lbs., 21.5” long, Sunday, 4/29 at 4:20 pm
13. I think it is a boy, (it looks very low) and big too, 8.13 oz.  Tatum looks so happy holding the 39 weeks.   I hope all goes well with her delivery and your recovery. Prayers and hugs to you all.
Heidi Hefner Tripp
14. Boy. 8 pounds 5 oz.  21 3/4 inches. 5/5/12
Jennifer Gannon
15. My guess is a girl, because thats what T wants, Wed. May 2nd. I'm rarely wrong however I encourage the rest of you to try:) 
16. Ok I'm in for  9.6!!!! 21in
40 weeks and 2 days
Amanda Soderman
17. That’s about the size I was when Josh was born, and he weighed in at 9 lb. 14 oz. and was 21” long.
Diane Fisher
18. My guess on Jilly is boy arriving May 1st at 11:20am, I dont really know enough about this stuff to guess a weight and length. Love Kelli
19. My guess for the new arrival is 4/29/12 @4:00 PM it will be a 8# 5 oz. boy.  Have a great party and celebrate for us Dakotans too!  Love, Kerry Christman
20. don't know what makes me think May 1st would be a great day for that sweet baby to arrive.  Going to guess boy also, except a girl would be great too.  how about 8#12 oz. Jo Anne (my BBF)
21. My Guess: 2 a.m., 4/30/12, big girl….9 pounds, 21 1/2"   Kate Parker

22. Jill looks a lot like you did at about that age.Guess I'll take a wild guess... Baby boy, 9#2oz.  May 1, shortly aftermidnight. 21 inches long.Have a good time at your party.   Eunice

23. I'm going with BOY! 8 lbs 5oz 22in born on 4/30/12 at 9:05am.
Love, Kelli Randolph

24. May 2, 8:52 A.M. 8#7oz. Boy, 21 in. Papa Jack

25. Baby Boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. Nana GG

26. Baby Boy, 8 1/2#, 21 7/8 " long. Cathy L.

27. I'm so happy for all of you!! My guess is 8 lbs. 6 oz., a boy, 19 in. on May 1. Love and all God's blerssings, Linda V.

28. I think Jill & Ryan will have a boy born May 1st at 6:20 A.M. Barb G.

29. Baby Boy, April 29, 8:45, 9 lbs. 3 oz. 22.5 inches-Pastor Helen
30. Girl, Monday 4/30, 3 a.m.  7#6oz., 22 inches long-Shirley


Actually, Thank God EVERY DAY! Another beautiful day in Spokane…

"OOH! OOH! OOH! Lookin' out my "front" door…."

Unpacking, on my knees for Kelli A., last cleaning run up the mountain, errand run, appetizer prep., and the grand finale for the day: my sweet hubs is taking me out to lobster dinner on the river in celebration of my cancer FREE/end of R! Our Spokane kids will join us-can't wait!

Prayer Warriors: Please join me at 10:00 a.m. this morning to rally pray for Kelli A., who is having mastectomy surgery at that time. Also, please continue prayers for: Jim and Marilyn, Ike (has appt. with specialist in Fargo, ND May 17th!) and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Betsey, Jo and Jon, Greg, and all lost, hurting, hungry, jobless, ill, fighting, homeless, and searching souls. AND…remember to CoUnT YoUr BlEsSiNgS!

Remember: get your "baby guess" in soon! The contest ends (obviously) the moment of her first labor pain! Comment here or send to my email: 
So far 22 people have jumped on board! If you care to see their guesses, scroll down…..WAY DOWN! (remember to include: gender, weight, length, date, time-THANKS!)

"Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6

My friend (we were in 1st grade together, and then college!), Ginny, sent me this list today. You know me-I love to do COUNTDOWNS…so here is my  9 Day Countdown of "5 Bits of Advice":

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short - enjoy it.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.

5.Don't buy stuff you don't need. (trust me on this one!!!)

1. A healthy and robust boy, little less than 7 pounds, 18 in. long on Sunday the 29th of April.  

 Betty Deach-Jo’s mom


2. My guess 

baby girl  8lb 4oz and 21 in 
Keep me posted.
3. my guess without seeing her is  8#9oz. boy , 5/1. 
Sent after pic was sent: adorable picture, what fun another grand baby to spoil, now I don't remember what I said???  Jill looks like she is carrying the baby right out front, how big was Tataum ? oh I will just stick with the 5/1 and 8#9 1/2 lbs ok. and it could be a boy?

4/29/12  8# 7oz  22”

Donna Schwartz
5. I think it's twins and if she had an ultrasound one is hiding...  I say 10lbs 2 oz. May 1st!  xoxo to all!

Glad you're doing well my friend. 
6. I will go with May 1st, 5:07 am, 9# 4oz 21 inches.  I sure wish I had looked that good at 39 weeks!
Pamela K.
7. Baby boy Nagle will arrive on Sunday, April 29th (May 1st would be cool.. it's Ethan's birthday, and Josh's too)... all good things happen on Sunday's, right?   8 lbs. 12 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long and will arrive at 11:49 am.  I am so excited for them!!  I LOVE having kids... the more the better!  ahhahahahah... well, maybe the 3 the better... hahahahah
Mariah McKenney
Oh, My Gosh!!!!
My guess is Twins. Sorry.
Leila Peterson
9. Wow, she looks great!  Congrats to all of you...and good luck! Michelle Huntsman
10. I bet it's a girl.  My mom use to say if you carried your baby in the front then it would be a girl.  If you carried it in the back - a boy!  How's that for an old wives tale?8 lbs. 6 oz. 22 inches long on Friday, April 27th!
Diana Locey (Colusa Pres. Secretary)
11. I say boy!  She looks fantastic, all belly!!
Diedre, Starr’s sister
12. Girl, 8.5 lbs., 21.5” long, Sunday, 4/29 at 4:20 pm
13. I think it is a boy, (it looks very low) and big too, 8.13 oz.  Tatum looks so happy holding the 39 weeks.   I hope all goes well with her delivery and your recovery. Prayers and hugs to you all.
Heidi Hefner Tripp
14. Boy. 8 pounds 5 oz.  21 3/4 inches. 5/5/12
Jennifer Gannon
15. My guess is a girl, because thats what T wants, Wed. May 2nd. I'm rarely wrong however I encourage the rest of you to try:) 
16. Ok I'm in for  9.6!!!! 21in
40 weeks and 2 days
Amanda Soderman
17. That’s about the size I was when Josh was born, and he weighed in at 9 lb. 14 oz. and was 21” long.
Diane Fisher
18. My guess on Jilly is boy arriving May 1st at 11:20am, I dont really know enough about this stuff to guess a weight and length. Love Kelli
19. My guess for the new arrival is 4/29/12 @4:00 PM it will be a 8# 5 oz. boy.  Have a great party and celebrate for us Dakotans too!  Love, Kerry Christman
20. don't know what makes me think May 1st would be a great day for that sweet baby to arrive.  Going to guess boy also, except a girl would be great too.  how about 8#12 oz. Jo Anne (my BBF)
21. My Guess: 2 a.m., 4/30/12, big girl….9 pounds, 21 1/2"   Kate Parker

22. Jill looks a lot like you did at about that age.Guess I'll take a wild guess... Baby boy, 9#2oz.  May 1, shortly aftermidnight. 21 inches long.Have a good time at your party.   Eunice

23. I'm going with BOY! 8 lbs 5oz 22in born on 4/30/12 at 9:05am.
Love, Kelli Randolph
24. May 2, 8:52 A.M. 8#7oz. Boy, 21 in. Papa Jack

25. Baby Boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. Nana GG

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Good Thing I'm Not a PI!

WOW! I know I've mentioned this just a few times on my blog, but I have to say it again: We have the most amazing daughter EVER! I came walking out of my 30th and FINAL radiation treatment this morning (it takes all of 10 minutes total) and this is what I found:

How she managed this in her very, very pregnant state, and in a few short minutes, is beyond me! 

And…to top it off, this was inside the card taped on the window that said: Nana GG-Open Immediately! 

Of course I cried…or was it my allergies?? ha ha…All of you who know me, know the tears weren't caused by all of the lilacs in bloom here in Spokane!

So, the remainder of my day was spent blissfully getting a massage, basking in the sun watching the sunshine glimmer off the lake, catching a glimpse of two whitetail does standing on the hill behind our house and a bunny on the corner of the garden bed, and making pictures in the sky with the gorgeous clouds. Pretty productive, eh?!

I did accomplish one major project. I've decided to go ahead with the party this Saturday, so….any of you who can make it, please come! Here's the invite:
I realize this is a bit short notice for you out-of-towners…but, I'll happily pick you up at the airport-or-we're three minutes off I-90! 

AND REMEMBER THE BABY POOL! Here's my guess: Baby boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. So….if anyone would like to jump on board, email your guess to: or comment on this blogspot! You will LOVE the prize! And, it's a SURprize!! 

PRAYER WARRIORS:Please continue praying for: Jim and Marilyn, Mark and Corine, Ike and Dawn, Jo and Jon, Greg, Betsey and Kelli. Please add dear friend, Rhondda's, mom to your list. 

"Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan."  Ephesians 1:11

And for the Art lovers….I found this on pinterest. 
Very cool!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This is what I wake up to every morning….aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Love to start my day basking in God's beautiful creation!

I went to bed around 7:00 p.m. last evening, and crawled out at 5:30 a.m.! Actually I read a bit before crashing and woke up and read for an hour around 3:00. All in all, a great night's rest! I bounced out this morning ready to take on the world-caught up on Bible study, worked in my flower gardens/pots, and had breakfast before heading in for zapping #29! Now, we're heading out the door to go back out to the old rental to clean for a bit and pack up any last items that are left. Hopefully my body will hold out until about 1:00 or so.

An interesting bit of information: our former rental had a Tulip Tree, which I had never seen before, and now this house does, too. They are beautiful!!

Stay tuned for 'The Rest of the Story'…….

I'm back!….but, for a few short sentences…(yeah, right!!) We had a very productive day today, and I'm still awake! We packed another pick-up load down the mountain, and I also got the laundry room cleaned, the three bedrooms vacuumed and cleaned out, and the storage room emptied and cleaned! Funny how things seem to come out of the woodwork when we move. We came home and got it all unloaded and managed to finish unpacking a few more totes. 

Tomorrow is my last day of radiation! I am so excited to be finished! Bring on the antioxidants and seaweed!!! This blog began 73 posts and 106 days ago, and was initially started by my daughter, Jill, to help me deal with the journey I had ahead of me. She thought it would be helpful and therapeutic. She was right. I've enjoyed writing each day, (well, almost) so much, that I plan to continue. Thankfully I won't be writing about my experience with breast cancer, but, I do plan to continue standing on my soapbox, so remember the rule: Take what you want and delete the rest! You may want to stay tuned at least once in awhile, as I'm quite certain there will be a few adorable newborn baby pictures posted very soon! Maybe we should start a pool: Here's my guess: Baby boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. So….if anyone would like to jump on board, email your guess to: or comment on this blogspot! You will LOVE the prize! And, it's a SURprize!! 

Prayer Warriors: Please continue lifting up Jo and Jon, (Jon moved to rehab today!) Jim and Marilyn, Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Kelli, (surgery Friday), Betsey, Greg, and me-Praise God-I'm done after tomorrow!!!!

"I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."