Thursday, April 5, 2012

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow?!!

This isn't the reason I haven't posted for a couple days, but it certainly is getting tiresome. Especially for this former CA lady. Just when I get ready to start digging in the dirt, it snows again. It does usually melt by the end of the day, so, I'm not really complaining-just surprised at how quickly I've forgotten what Spring weather is like up North! Actually, the white snow makes the grass look that much greener! Mr. weather man says it will be sunshine and in the 60's on Easter Sunday!

As Holy week begins to wind down, so, too, does my radiation marathon! Today was #16, with 14 to go! My last day of treatment is Wednesday, April 25th. I'm having a celebration party on Sat. the 28th-It will be a combo-also celebrating my Dad's 92nd birthday. Unfortunately the guest of honor won't be attending-he'll be in Adrian, ND, but, we'll be singing to him anyway!

PRAYER WARRIORS: Please continue prayers for my brother, Harlan, my cousin, Dawn and her hubby, Ike (meets with surgeon tomorrow), BBF, Jo and her husband, Jon, as Jo finishes her last week of radiation and they grieve the loss of their beloved son, Jon Christopher. My cousin, Paulette, who is suffering with plantar fasciitis on one foot, heel spur on the other and mole removal surgery on one. Mark and Corine, Betsey (she is currently meeting with several doctors working on the best plan to treat her breast cancer), and me….as they zap me 14 more times, that it may be a direct hit missing all healthy organs, etc.

EASTER COUNTDOWN… Taken from Dayspring Devotions:

                                 THERE IS HOPE

Where there were questions, 
Jesus came along and answered them-
Yes, I love you. Yes, there's hope. 
Yes, all things are possible in peace, in rest….in Me.
                                                                                      -Trieste Van Wyngarden

Celebrating the awesome Yes of Jesus…
and praying you're blessed by His joy and love
at Easter and always.

"All of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!"                      II Corinthians 1:20 NLT

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