Sunday, April 8, 2012


It's a beautiful day in SO MANY WAYS! 

   1.) I am SAVED.
   2.) I am CANCER FREE.
   3.) I am WIFE of my very best friend.
   4.) I am a MOTHER of 3 beautiful children and 3 wonderful 'children'-in-law.
   5.) I am a NANA to 4 awesome grandchildren. (1 coming soon;)
   6.) I am DAUGHTER to two amazing parents.
   7.) I am SISTER to 3 great brothers and 1 sweet sister; + 5 beautiful s-i-l and 2 b-i-l.
   8.) I am COUSIN to 17+ fantastic people.
   9.) I am FRIEND to more than I can list here.
  10.)I am BLESSED beyond belief!

Our view this morning as we worshiped and sang praises to our risen Lord!
(ok…it was a bit brisk at around 35 degrees-but the "Son/Sun" was warm in our hearts and on our faces.)

I love this quote by Pastor Mark S. Hansen:

   "Every morning you awaken with the mark of Jesus' death on your forehead and the promise  
    of Christ's resurrection on your lips."

"You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God" (Ephesians 2:19).

SIDE NOTE: I was taught not to brag, however, I was so moved by our eldest son, Kyle's, blog, that I wanted to share it with all of you. I know I am a partial mother, but I believe he is a gifted writer. If you feel the urge to check it out, here is his blog address: ….and if not, you know the rule: take what you want, and delete the rest!;) 

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