Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Great Day on Shelley Lake

FIVE POWER SURGES to GO! The final 5 treatments zero in on the tumor bed only, so no more burning all over! YEEHAA!! I drove to the old home and got a bunch more packed and moved. It rained most of the day, but later this afternoon the sun came out-just in time for Tatum and I to do a bit of exploring around the lake. 

 Walking down the path around the lake
 T-Bug loved the geese...
 ….and was very sad when they flew away.
 Posing for Nana.
 Let's go marmot hunting, Nana.
 But, first we need to stop for a "turtle egg" picnic.
 Her exact words upon finding a "hairy" pine cone: "Look Nana, marmot hair!"
 I'd say Daddy Ryan has groomed a pretty good critter stalker! It's quite hilarious to watch her "sneak up on 'em" 
The end of the trail, and Nana's pooped-so back to the house to share our treasures with Papa. 

I guess I don't have to tell you how blessed I am. The pictures tell it all. Life just couldn't be any better.

"My happiness is not to remake myself, but make the absolute best of what God made." 
                                                          Robert Browning

"Praise the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good, for His mercy endures forever."       Jeremiah 33:11

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