Friday, April 20, 2012


My dear BBF, Jo and her husband, Jon, need our prayers desperately. For those of you who haven't been following my blog on a regular basis: Jo has been battling breast cancer right along side of me (about one week ahead, actually) and has been a super support for me through all of this roller coaster ride. She and her husband, Jon, lost there son of 42 to a sudden heart attack a little over a month ago. Jon ended up in the ER a few weeks ago and was then scheduled for gall bladder surgery today. He had the surgery this afternoon, and the actual surgery went fine, but then things started going bad. Jo just called awhile ago to let me know, and request the prayer warriors take action. So….Please pray for Jon and Jo. My prayer is to post a new entry in the morning with news that Jon is A-okay! God be with you, Jo and Jon. 

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