Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Good Thing I'm Not a PI!

WOW! I know I've mentioned this just a few times on my blog, but I have to say it again: We have the most amazing daughter EVER! I came walking out of my 30th and FINAL radiation treatment this morning (it takes all of 10 minutes total) and this is what I found:

How she managed this in her very, very pregnant state, and in a few short minutes, is beyond me! 

And…to top it off, this was inside the card taped on the window that said: Nana GG-Open Immediately! 

Of course I cried…or was it my allergies?? ha ha…All of you who know me, know the tears weren't caused by all of the lilacs in bloom here in Spokane!

So, the remainder of my day was spent blissfully getting a massage, basking in the sun watching the sunshine glimmer off the lake, catching a glimpse of two whitetail does standing on the hill behind our house and a bunny on the corner of the garden bed, and making pictures in the sky with the gorgeous clouds. Pretty productive, eh?!

I did accomplish one major project. I've decided to go ahead with the party this Saturday, so….any of you who can make it, please come! Here's the invite:
I realize this is a bit short notice for you out-of-towners…but, I'll happily pick you up at the airport-or-we're three minutes off I-90! 

AND REMEMBER THE BABY POOL! Here's my guess: Baby boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. So….if anyone would like to jump on board, email your guess to: or comment on this blogspot! You will LOVE the prize! And, it's a SURprize!! 

PRAYER WARRIORS:Please continue praying for: Jim and Marilyn, Mark and Corine, Ike and Dawn, Jo and Jon, Greg, Betsey and Kelli. Please add dear friend, Rhondda's, mom to your list. 

"Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan."  Ephesians 1:11

And for the Art lovers….I found this on pinterest. 
Very cool!

1 comment:

  1. My guess is a girl, because thats what T wants, Wed. May 2nd. I'm rarely wrong however I encourage the rest of you to try:)
