Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This is what I wake up to every morning….aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Love to start my day basking in God's beautiful creation!

I went to bed around 7:00 p.m. last evening, and crawled out at 5:30 a.m.! Actually I read a bit before crashing and woke up and read for an hour around 3:00. All in all, a great night's rest! I bounced out this morning ready to take on the world-caught up on Bible study, worked in my flower gardens/pots, and had breakfast before heading in for zapping #29! Now, we're heading out the door to go back out to the old rental to clean for a bit and pack up any last items that are left. Hopefully my body will hold out until about 1:00 or so.

An interesting bit of information: our former rental had a Tulip Tree, which I had never seen before, and now this house does, too. They are beautiful!!

Stay tuned for 'The Rest of the Story'…….

I'm back!….but, for a few short sentences…(yeah, right!!) We had a very productive day today, and I'm still awake! We packed another pick-up load down the mountain, and I also got the laundry room cleaned, the three bedrooms vacuumed and cleaned out, and the storage room emptied and cleaned! Funny how things seem to come out of the woodwork when we move. We came home and got it all unloaded and managed to finish unpacking a few more totes. 

Tomorrow is my last day of radiation! I am so excited to be finished! Bring on the antioxidants and seaweed!!! This blog began 73 posts and 106 days ago, and was initially started by my daughter, Jill, to help me deal with the journey I had ahead of me. She thought it would be helpful and therapeutic. She was right. I've enjoyed writing each day, (well, almost) so much, that I plan to continue. Thankfully I won't be writing about my experience with breast cancer, but, I do plan to continue standing on my soapbox, so remember the rule: Take what you want and delete the rest! You may want to stay tuned at least once in awhile, as I'm quite certain there will be a few adorable newborn baby pictures posted very soon! Maybe we should start a pool: Here's my guess: Baby boy, 9 #, 22 inches long, Saturday, 4/28/12 at 8:50 a.m. So….if anyone would like to jump on board, email your guess to: nonnagg51@gmail.com or comment on this blogspot! You will LOVE the prize! And, it's a SURprize!! 

Prayer Warriors: Please continue lifting up Jo and Jon, (Jon moved to rehab today!) Jim and Marilyn, Ike and Dawn, Mark and Corine, Kelli, (surgery Friday), Betsey, Greg, and me-Praise God-I'm done after tomorrow!!!!

"I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

1 comment:

  1. GG! I found this great site that has headbands for walks/running or whatever you do to make you sweat. I thought of you INSTANTLY!!! I personally think you should get the pink and white, CANCER SUCKS one! :) Love and miss you!!

