Saturday, April 21, 2012


Thanks to an absolutely, fantastic moving crew: Jill and Ryan, Kyle and Kelli, Linda and Harvey, Kay and Hank, Pastor John, Dave, we got everything moved to our new home and fairly settled in! Jack and I are both so very grateful to all of these awesome people for giving their time and muscle to help us. There is no way it would have been possible without them!

Tomorrow will be another very exciting day, as I am walking in the Susan Koman Breast Cancer walk here in Spokane! And, to put icing on the cake; Kyle, Kelli, Jill, Ryan, and Tatum are walking with me! (Jack will be with us in spirit-sad his knee isn't up to a 5 K yet:() I have survivor pictures at 8:00 and team pictures are at 8:15, so I best get my bottom into bed so I'm rested for the big event! I'll have lots of pictures tomorrow-stay tuned!

Oh, and thank you tons, all of you prayer warriors. My dear friend, Jo, has not slept in at least 48 hours while waiting beside her husband, Jon, who remains in ICU. They did have a bit of encouraging news today, however. Jon was able to be taken off the ventilator and is breathing on his own. He also was able to say his name. They have ruled out stroke/heart attack, buy believe he had a seizure. Now they're hoping to find out the cause to prevent any further incidents. It's an unbelievable load this couple has had to endure for the past several months, and I know they are so very thankful for any and all prayers. Thank you all. 

God Bless you all! And remember to: 

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof."
                                                                                          Psalms 24:1

The land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as a possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land.  
                                                                                         Lev. 25:23-24.

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