Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1 (37)

Good Morning B.B.'s (Blogger Buddies),
Well today it begins.......As the last sip of fresh ground coffee with a touch of skim milk and drops of chocolate raspberry flavoring slides down my throat, I prayerfully anticipate the upcoming MRI at 11:45. Since I was honest and told them that I tend to be a tad bit claustrophobic, I was instructed to eat or drink nothing after 7:30 this morning. I managed to ingest my daily breakfast of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt with  peaches, blueberries, cinnamon and ginger before my time was up. 

Most people would have likely tossed and turned with apprehension before this procedure; well, I did, too.:( I'm just not sure if I was wakened by anxious thoughts of the MRI and it's outcome or getting my breakfast and coffee in before the deadline! As with many fitful nights of sleep, it was all in vane, a waste of useful energy/rest. It is what it is, and only by divine intervention or a colossal mistake, will I go back to that place 38 days ago when my life was near perfect. I've accepted that fact, for the most part, although, I am a believer in miracles-I've experienced a few. 

If our lives are comparable to cats in the fact that we are granted "9 lives/miracles", I guess I have a few left. I'll share two of mine today, and may add a few more as this journey continues. My first "miracle" happened when I was a wee one still getting my diapers changed on the (now, any of you younger than 40 may have to go to www.dictionary for this word), bassinet. Picture a baby girl (after three boys) about 3 months old doing her thing on the changing table, when Mommy turned her back to reach for a washcloth (no baby wipes back in those days, either!) How's your visualization going? The bassinet was next to the wall, but not quite close enough. There was just enough room for this wiggly little one (must have been ADDWOM way back than) rolled over and fell head first straight down between the wall and the bassinet! You can imagine Mommy's heart stopped beating for a few seconds as she frantically grabbed me by the feet that were sticking up from behind the bassinet! This is not fabricated, although, Mommy's heart didn't actually stop. You know how cute babies are with their little chubby legs, and arms….good thing I was one of those, or I most likely wouldn't be here writing this blog.  

My second brush with life beyond this side took place a couple years later. I was 2 years old, and loved my Daddy like most little girls do from the time his face loses it's blur at a few weeks of age. One morning Daddy headed over to the hog pen on the other side of the bayou to feed them. Mommy was in the yard with me, probably hanging clothes on the line - that task took place every day of the year on the farm - and in a matter of seconds, she turned from pinning the last clothespin to check on me. (I'm sure you've got this figured out by now) Suffice it to say, I was not playing beside my Mommy, and my little chubby two-year old legs had wandered off to follow Daddy. Mommy, of course, was frantic, as she scurried this way and that searching for her only daughter in the farmyard. Suddenly, with the dreaded weight of a boulder in the pit of her stomach, she rememberd that Daddy had gone over to the pig pen earlier. As she held her hand up to shade her eyes from the sun, she could barely see a spot of my red coat bobbing up and down amongst the herd of hogs. She screamed at Daddy (I'm sure Grandma Rode heard her over a mile up the valley) that Georgia Lea was in the hog pen. My Daddy broke all track records as he sprinted across the corrals and bayou and snatched me up seconds before one of the hogs had me for lunch. As that story has been retold time and time again, we all have a serious moment of thought of how serious that could have been had I fallen down. I literally would have been pig food. They might have spit the red coat back out, though. 

So, you can see, miracles do happen, and I truly believe God is going to pull me through this "walk in the pig pen" that I am being forced to take. I know one thing for sure, I'm not going to stumble and fall down…(at least not while any of you are looking) I'm going to walk tall and strong and trudge along through all this "pig s_ _ _" and beat this cancer. I have to. Tatum wears that little red, wool coat-hand sewn by her Great Grandma Elaine 58 years ago- and I may need to find her out in the pig pen.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

God is awesome-let's put him
First in the morning and
Last at night.
God Bless You All

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