8:30 a.m.
Good Morning, B.B…..I'm back-well, at least until my pain pill kicks in! I am feeling over loaded with gratitude this morning. Thank you, all of you amazing prayer warriors, for lifting me up yesterday (and the preceding 44 days!). I truly felt them in so many ways: 1.) Loving hubs, daughter, sis-in-law, and Pastor by my side nearly the entire day. 2.) fantastic, caring and compassionate medical staff and Doctors. 3.) tears only twice-emotion, not pain induced 4.) safe, (nearly) uneventful ride home to my warm and cozy bed 5.) peaceful, restful, cough-free night's sleep
I'm not sure if it's the pain pill or simply my AGE that's causing this "writers block, brain-fart, intellectual overload". (thought I'd give you a choice so as not to offend anyone-remember the rule-{take what you want, delete the rest} I'm hoping things become clear soon, and if they don't, tune in for a continuing post.:)
11:58 a.m.
Ok…back for a second shot at this. At this point in my recovery, I'm wishing they would have given me sleeping pills along with the pain meds. I'm restless, but thankful I love to read and have about 7 books piled up waiting patiently for me to COMPLETE. (yes, I'm one of those crazies who read several books at a time.) Must be connected to the ADDWOM.
I'll attempt, again, to give you a brief picture of yesterday from my perspective. It actually began as we were driving to the "Doctors' Building" (out patient surgeries are done here rather than the hospital across the street) and received a message from a friend who had previously told me she had scheduled a mammogram 2 years late after hearing about my cancer. Her message yesterday stated that she had been called back for a second mammogram and biopsy.:( My heart sank and I began fervently praying for her and completely forgot about what I was facing. (a God Thing)
First on the "Buffet" menu for the day was a visit to the MRI "Tube" for wire insertion/placement. (these wires guide the surgeon during the procedure as the inside tissue all looks the same) Before going into the tube room, the nurse had to put my IV in. Even though I explained to her how my veins aren't very easy on an empty stomach, and one pre-surgery newbe finally wheeled me into the "gas" after his 12 attempts and my nearly choking him, she insisted I had "good veins" (that's what they ALL say!) She did it--in TWO…(Philippians 4:6) and apologized profusely for bruising me and bound it so tight around my wrist my fingers started turning blue. (now the blue part is in fact embellishment) Next stop, MRI! My calmness during the multiple rides in and out of the tube for checking and placing and then checking again happened only with the soothing voice of Michael Smith in my headphones and this comfort cross in my hand: (Philippians 4:6)
Jill gave me this cross and it has accompanied me every step of the journey so far-even surgery yesterday!
The beautiful palm cross my BBF, Jo, gave me!
These are two reminders to me of how Jesus is right where I need Him to be. I have felt his loving arms around me throughout this entire journey-sometimes his hug is so tight, it squeezes the tears right out of me. ;) And, He squeezes so much strength and courage into my body, mind, and soul. Each time I felt fear or pain, I simply squeezed my hand as I whispered "my" verse to myself over and over again. You know which one, right? You must have it memorized by now?! Philippians 4:6? "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
2:00 p.m.
Ok…back on task here…(sorry…a combo of post surgery blah and ADDWOM). They have two wires in proper position and taped down securely. Down off the MRI table I go, into the wheelchair, and the nurse wheels me across and down the hall to another area where mammograms are done. After another few pit stops getting my human "ROCK" lined out in another waiting room, and the exam room ready, she wheeled me in, did the mammogram, and said, "so, they put one wire in…"
I replied, "No, they put two in." After going back and forth with this conversation a couple times, and her saying that the mammogram showed only one wire, she excused herself and left the room. (Philippians 4:6) After sitting there for several minutes wondering if I was losing my mind from anxiety, or where that second wire had actually gone, the lady returned with two other "wire doctors". They introduced themselves, but with my hearing loss, had to repeat several times, and finally the head doctor simply formed her hands into a cup and tipped it back as she said, "you know…a swig of GIN!" At that point I wasn't sure if I should be worried or ask her for a nip! They proceeded to explain to me that for some reason and somewhere between the MRI table and this room, one wire had fallen out and disappeared. I was thinking after the fact that we should have checked the wheel on the wheelchair-probably wrapped around it like string on the vacuum brush! I asked the doctors if this happens often, because we have this GL thing that goes on in our family. (If you have forgotten about GL, scroll down a few posts) She did say I was "special", and that no, although they've had wires fall out, they usually can find them!
Next stop-back into the original room/table where I had my first biopsy so these two "wire doctors" could put not ONE more wire in me, but TWO! Oh yea! But, that precious power in my hand and "my" verse running around in my head, (Philippians 4:6) I made it through with flying colors. Obviously, I reminded EVERYONE who got within 3 feet of me to BE CAREFUL NOT TO PULL THE WIRES OUT!!
3rd stop for the day was 5th floor surgery. The kind nurse who discovered the lost wire couldn't hide her happiness as she delivered me to the check in desk! After signing several papers, with my hubby the interpreter, since my hearing aids had to be removed for the MRI, and were in a bag somewhere, the sweet lady said, "Oh, did they tell you, you need more blood work done?"
I, very patiently (Philippians 4:6) already feeling like a sieve, replied to her, "Well, I went in to have bloodwork and all the pre-op work, chest X-ray, EKG, etc. on the 11th, and then got a call back because they had forgotten to draw something before my FIRST MRI. I went back and had that one done. Could that be it?"
She said, "No…the Doctor needs one more thing, and you'll have to go across the waiting room and put your name on the list." The one GOOD thing about all of this traipsing around 3 different waiting rooms is-I had one of those lovely hospital gowns on with two tiny ties in the back so your entire backside is exposed for all the world to see-but, they also had given me very cool jammy pants to wear TOO! (you decide which definition of cool you want to use)
I imagine the wait to get poked yet another time was about 15 minutes. (Philippians 4:6) Bless my hubby's and daughter's AND baby Nagle #2's hearts-they waited patiently (or not so much) with me.
Moving right along, the wheelchair had somehow disappeared, so walking very carefully so as not to lose any wires (and some people think I'm losing my marbles?!), we were directed to a small waiting room until the pre-surgery-prep room became available. I had my trusty cheering section with me: Jack, Jill, and Pastor Helen. We visited, Helen prayed with me, and it wasn't too long and I was in on the gurney having a nice chat with another kind lady checking out all of my meds/allergies/history, etc. During that 2.5 hour waiting period I was poked and prodded yet again, (didn't know whether to knick name my left girl Porcupine or Pin Cushion) but I will spare you the details, since this is a family friendly/G-rated blog. My cheering squad hung right with me albeit being ushered in and out of my little curtained cubicle several times for doctors, nurses, and all the poking and prodding. Jack's sister, Linda, joined them, and she brought Frankincense oil and they prayed for me again. It was very special and comforting.
Finally it was time to get the show on the road, and the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a shoulder block (another poke-but, in the back, this time)(Philippians 4:6) and it wasn't too long after that and it was lights out for GG.
I woke up about 2 hours later, a bit groggy, but feeling ok. It seemed like just minutes before the nurse was helping me get dressed, the doctor stopped by to say everything went great, and they wheeled me down to the truck. I didn't find out until on the ride home that Jill, Jack and Linda were all over across in the main hospital having a bite to eat, and they got a message for Jack that I was out of surgery. They scrambled to gobble their food and hurry over to the Doctor's building only to find out that they had called the wrong family! (Serenity Prayer) Oh my….sure am glad that every single nurse and doctor that spoke to me asked me, "Are we doing the left breast"? And, no, I am NOT embellishing the story here!
The last leg of my Day 1 (45) was nearly over, but, of course not without event! As my stomach was empty from midnight until yesterday afternoon at 4:30, I had consumed a bit of cranberry/apple juice, but was still a bit queasy. I managed to make it 32 minutes of the 34 minute ride home. As I was leaving my colorful contents on the gravel road in Green Bluff, my comfort cross fell off my lap…..yup….you guessed it. Good thing it was just apple juice! AND…good thing I have the most awesome hubby in the world.
Now, I know that some of you are totally convinced that I give TMI (too much info), but, let me remind you: 1.) I'm entitled and 2.) GG's Rule: Take what you want and delete the rest!
One more thing--(a God thing)--When I arrived home, I had a message from my friend who had gone back for a biopsy? It was a cyst! She's fine and goes back in 6 months! (scroll back to top picture!)
Have a blessed day, I sure am!
F ully R ely O n G od
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