Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Just wanted to give a little update on GG: She arrived at 8am, and after kisses from T Bug was quickly rushed back to the MRI. She spent about an hour and a half there and then headed to the mammogram. We've been upstairs playing the waiting game and GG is now getting the dye injected so they can biopsy her nodes. The surgery was originally set for 12:30 and at this point it looks like it will be delayed another hour at least. That will put us at 1:30-2:00 Pacific time. GG is in good spirits and feeling calm as far as we can tell. She had a little GL this morning when they inserted the two wires to guide the surgeon and by the time she got downstairs they were aleady missing one. Action thought maybe she ate it? She hasn't been able to eat or drink since last night so it's possible? :) Now we wait...and just grab something to eat or drink and enjoy the show.

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