The snow is about doubled in depth this morning. When I finish this very short post, (ha ha) I will be venturing out to "play" (shovel) in this sparkling powder for a bit.
My doctor's office called this morning with a bit of information that is extremely helpful to me. I am such a visual person, that part of the reason I struggle with falling into that dark place in my mind is because of the size of the cancer growing in my breast. Since they were unable to see anything because of denseness, (thus the MRI), I have only had my imagination to go on, along with the reports of "lit up area", etc….So, when she called to inform me my original tumor size to be 7 mm (a bit over 1/4 inch) I felt a huge, dark cloud lifted from my soul. I can't explain why, when you're probably thinking-"still cancer"- but, it gives me much relief and hope. So, you see, God really is working through all of this with me. Another glimmer of hope-only by HIS grace. "Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching As to War!" (love that hymn) Onward I march into surgery next Wed., 1/25.
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerers through Him who loved us."
Romans 8:37
I arrive at 8:00 a.m., have wires put in place (not sure the exact explanation-something to do with 'one for lumpectomy and one for MRI'). Next-MRI for 35 minutes, (I think), Then-inject dye to test lymph nodes during surgery, and finally-around 2:00 p.m. lumpectomy surgery/2nd biopsy of odd area/and biopsy of any lit up lymph nodes. And of course the last and final step-my least favorite game EVER: "The Waiting Game". (I've been told I will not have any pathology reports back until at least Monday, 1/30.) Should make for a very long day, but I am anxiously and prayerfully awaiting for that day to be completed.
Initially I told you yesterday that the 2nd biopsy/MRI would be before the lumpectomy surgery, however, the earliest date available for that would have been AFTER my original surgery date on Wed., and would have then pushed my lumpectomy surgery far into February. My doctor was able to get it juggled around so she can do it "buffet" style! Get 'er done!
Another lesson learned through this chapter in my life - appointments and schedules get changed, and then changed again, and again and again. Kind of goes together nicely with "The Waiting Game" though, don't you think?!
Ok…Enough rambling-time for some FUN in the SNOW! Wish you were all here for some amazing sledding!
Have a blessed day filled with FUN in the SUN, or at the very least - some TIME with THEE SON!!
"Thou shalt cry, and He shall say, Here I am. " Isaiah 58:9b
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